Support for Gun Control at an All Time Low

Who says all conservative ideas aren’t popular? In fact, when asked what do you think of gun control, the number of people responding, “Gun control is for little pinko pantywaists who constantly wet themselves” is at an all time high. We just have to convince other countries to stop being worthless sissies. Maybe they’ll be more responsive to that argument when they’re ruled by Muslims.


  1. So implicit in the headline is:

    “Support for crime control at an all time high”

    Close the border now and hire the Israelis to build our wall; they’re almost done with theirs.

  2. You don’t hear calls for gun control anywhere in the Muslim world. It has become very stylish for every good jihadist family to own AK-47’s, at least one RPG, a bag o’ IED’s, and good Islamiclly correct chaderi/suicide bomber vest combo (on sale now at Jmal-Mart) for your favorite son or daughter.

    Hell, I feel positively inadequate with my measly Baretta, Colt .45, and two shotguns. I need to get serious…

  3. That’s is definitely one thing the Murderers, er, muslims, have over our country… they aren’t total pussies when it comes to packing serious firepower. Thankfully, more people are realizing the importance of having a carry weapon that is belt-fed. Or is that just me?

  4. Firstly, Cactusod is a racist idiot who doesn’t seem to know the difference between Muslims and terrorists – most enlightened people learnt the difference on 12th September 2001.

    America is the only country in the Western world that allows it’s citizens to carry weapons and it makes very little sense – the sole purpose of carrying guns is to kill one another. The 2nd Amendment is outdated and has no practical modern use. Why do you need guns? For hunting is fine but the only purpose of a handgun is to kill another human, given the shootings that your country is plagued with gun control seems like a sensible step – at least ammunition control should be introduced.

    NunyaB makes a good point put it’s kind of irrelevant. Yes, only a nutjob would pull the trigger but what sort of a person points a gun at someone anyway?

    It’s about time America grew up, learnt a few lessons from Europe (who aren’t perfect but at least they don’t waste hours and hours of tax-payers money discussing non-issues such as abortion and gay marriage – this would infuriate me if I paid US taxes). You need to allow your government to rule – they won a democratic election for crying out loud (which is more than can be said about your last leader).

    If you like the United States of America, if you really love your country then you should start acting more United. It seems to me as though there are several members of the government who are trying extremely hard to save your country (which is in deep trouble by the way) but there are also a few right-wing Republicans who seem determined to sabotage any of these efforts.

    The politics of any other country in the world changes and evolves on a daily basis, yet, for a relatively young country America has the most old-fashioned politics out of any of them. You cling to the constitution like it’s everything despite the fact that it’s okay to amend things (you’ve done it before).

    I don’t want to see America go under and I was only really supposed to be commenting on Gun Control. It seems as though a lot of people on here are conservative and I have to tell you that if your conservatism was in Europe you would be viewed as extremely right-wing. I hope America pulls through but Obama hasn’t made any reference to banning guns at all: it’s a bit of a Glen Beck conspiracy theory designed to scare conservatives. Also, Obama is hardly at fault – what has he done wrong? So far all he has done is build bridges that Bush burnt down – he has respect in Europe (something Bush couldn’t really get from anyone apart from Tony Blair) and has opened a dialogue with Iran (although I understand that Republicans favor war over diplomacy but peaceful talks are a good thing, despite what you think), we don’t want to fight them and they really don’t want to fight us. My message to conservative Americans is that conservatism is fine but the level of conservatism a lot of you have adopted is irrational and fuels a divided nation, I’m not saying that you should all be Liberal but not everything is as black and white as you think. Furthermore, separate your church and state – the influence of religion on politics in your country is far too damaging and slows down progress of policies that in secular countries are passed with ease for the benefit of all. It is possible to have values that aren’t religious, I’m sure most of us would agree that theft, murder, rape and child abuse are some of the worst crimes – these are the issues and only 2 of them are 10 commandments, whatever your personal views are on gay marriage or abortion then that is fine, you may instill those thoughts on your own children but everyone’s values are the same. Unless you’re gay, gay marriage is none of your business. If you think it is your business because gays marrying means a society with a lower moral value then you are wrong, this concept is old-fashioned, homophobic and only really comes from religion (which should be separate from policy).

    I understand that Republicans want a smaller, simplified government but how could this possibly work right now? At this point we need all the help from our elected leaders, if you really want to try and fix the country yourselves then just see what happens. The US Republican party is one of the most far-removed parties in modern Western politics, no other country has a small government like you want and not many countries are as big as yours. I know that a big concern about Republicans is taxes, you don’t want to pay them – it’s as simple as that. Tax itself is in fact unconstitutional and I’m not totally sure what my thoughts on taxing the richest 1% are (although I don’t really think average voters should care about this issue) but in Europe we have much higher taxes (although we complain about it) and we reap benefits such as free and universal healthcare (I cannot believe that a nation that calls itself leaders of the free world haven’t sorted this out yet), it’s the 21st century – all government is big, a small government is an apathetic government. The 3 most important things a government should do for the people is Protection (military, police etc – not arming the masses), Education and Care.- Margaret Thatcher paraphrase.

    Basically, Obama needs to stop wasting his time trying to get Republicans on his side – he won, you lost, he gets to lead… simple as. Yes, you’re allowed a voice, yes, you’re allowed to criticize, yes, you’re allowed to march in the streets (although Americans don’t have the balls for that) but he won. He’s trying to fix the country (he hardly ruined it by the way, it couldn’t have been much worse when he took over) and Republicans are trying to stop him just so they can say “I told you so” despite the fact that you will ruin the nation.

    Stop blaming Obama, everyone is to blame. If you want the United States of America to continue then you need to unite, at the moment you’re behaving like the Divided States of America.

    Anyway, they are just some of my thoughts. I hope you can pull through because America is a great country but you seem to be destroying yourselves in really silly, almost childish ways.

    Thanks for reading the thoughts of a Liberal, British, Atheist. I’m sure you don’t get many of us on this website but even I have America’s best interests at heart and you should start focusing more on what Republicans and Democrats agree on, not what they don’t agree on… and you certainly shouldn’t be disagreeing with them just for the sake of it.

    All the best and I hope you have an enjoyable Easter.

    I despise and fear militant Islam as much as the next person but to generalize the Muslim world as terrorists is ridiculous. Get real.

    I’d like to know from some gun owners why you own a gun. Being from Britain this is one of the laws I really struggle to understand, I can’t see any positives in allowing citizens to carry weapons. I understand where the amendment originated from but don’t see any relevance anymore. So please answer me these questions if you’re a gun owner: How many weapons do you own? Where do you live? Why do you have the weapons? If it’s for protection then protection against whom? Other citizens? Because if guns were banned they’d be taken from your enemies too. Or are you protecting yourself against the government? If so then why? This seems like mass paranoia to me if you think the government are really after you.

  5. So, more Americans have finally figured out that having armed police cower outside behind vehicles as a crazed killer shoots innocents inside is not really a logical alternative to merely allowing the people inside to possess guns in case they need to defend themselves?

  6. Gun control is,selective post-partum abortion by lead poisoning to vital organs. Gun control is aerial culling the wolf population in Alaska. The sale of guns and ammo by conservatives will lift America’s economy (WORST SINCE THE GREAT DEPRESSION—Industrial Media Complex) out of the doldrums. At the very least , we’ll have new toys to play with.

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