Taking a stand against piracy

The UK is finally taking a stand against piracy.

This week, France — France! — captured 11 pirates. And, of course, the U.S. Navy took out the pirates that had captured the Maersk Alabama.

With all the problems there are around the world with pirates, there need to be more countries taking a stand against piracy.

And the U.K. is doing just that. They just sentenced four pirates to jail.

According to the report ….


Wait a second.



It seems that they are battling software pirates, not seafaring pirates.

Okay, the whole world has turned upside down.

France protects world commerce … and the U.K. protects iTunes.

I want my reality back.


  1. What do you expect from a country who’s heir apparent can’t run his nose, has the taste of a dung beetle and the personal morality and integrity of a rabid possum? Let’s not even start with his IQ/ common sense ratio. Between Prince Chuckles and Algore they might have enough brain power to run an electric tooth brush but that’s pushing it.

    And don’t get me started on the Rotweiller.

  2. Um… wasn’t that Sweden who sentenced the Pirate Bay guys? The Telegraph, being a British paper, was just taking the British perspective and speculating on what effect the Swedish ruling would have on British copyright law.

    Except why would a Swedish ruling in a Swedish court have any affect whatsoever on British rulings in British courts?

    Gah. Liberals.

    [You’re right. But I’m not going to let the facts get in the way of what I think. I’m a right-wing extremist, after all. – B]

  3. Thanks to the music industry treating it’s customers at thieves and referring to them as “Pirates,” I could care less if I ever buy another piece of recorded music ever again for the remainder of my life. Screw ’em. They’ve certainly done enough to screw me. Bought the music on cassette originally? Congratulations! You can upgrade to digital for twice the original price with a discount of exactly zero for having purchased it already. Bought a copy protected download and then bought a new computer? Congratulations! You get to buy it again because one thing you WON’T be doing is transferring it to your new hard drive.

    The recording contract of an artist is most heavily influenced by the first two weeks of sales. Bought the CD in the first two weeks? Congratulations! If you’d waited 6 months you could have had the bonus tracks too. It must suck to be one of the most devoutly loyal fans of your favorite artist. We make you buy the album twice to get all the tracks.

    Artist changed labels? Congratulations! the old material is now out of print, NEVER to be released again. Perhaps you can find a used copy on Ebay for 3 times the usual price. Good luck, and happy hunting.

    Want the early works of an artist before we signed them to a label? Congratulations! Well, actually no congratulations are in order here. That will simply never be available because they didn’t record those tracks with us. Sorry about your luck, but if you ever obtain them through file sharing, know this: You are a thief that is stealing from our artist. You are akin to a violent Pirate that raids cargo vessels and kidnaps and takes hostages. Perhaps you even murder people, as that is another thing pirates do. You are a filthy, disgusting, thieving, Murdering Pirate. Do you not know, WE control the distribution. Not YOU.

    Screw ’em.

  4. “I want my reality back.” – Basil

    You mean you don’t like “Bizarro World?” Well, there’s a new expression out now, Basil. “Things are going to get worse before they get worse.”

    Hey, what’s up with the intercourse on camera between Obama and Chavez? Was that a handshake between pirates?

    Ace of Spades HQ Post

  5. Two things.
    Basil, you really should appreaciate the funniest end of civilization ever.
    I understand it’s hard to make reality funnier than it has turned out to be this century, but it’s funny to point and laugh at reality too.

    Mark you calendars, this is the first post where I mistook Basil’s writing for FrnakJ’s. I usually just confuse the Harvey personality with the original FrnakJ, but now I’m going to have to keep two of your personalities straight.
    That’s a pain.

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