Tea Party Explained

My vote for face of the Tea Party. She explains things well for those who didn’t understand it or refused to understand it:


  1. Pierson for Senate. I’m gonna vote for her and I live in Kansas…….hey if the Dems can do it, I can do it.

    Seriously, this lady is awesome. These are the kind of people we need in DC. It’s time for the silent majority to start making some REAL noise.

  2. We need to start a new tradition here at IMAO. And, each time someone – like this woman – makes another intelligent, cogent speech, and states actual truths without “HELP”, we need to point it out, and add the following tag to any comment:


  3. You can tell she is a true conservative woman because she is attractive and intelligent. Thats really all it takes. In Texas, Women like that are easily found. I am from Abilene, Tx, and there is no place like good ol TEXAS. DONT MESS WITH TEXAS BABY!!!!!! I bet the king of abortions, our president, …i cant even type his name….has nightmares about good people like her.

  4. ACRAZYMIC… you are absolutely correct. We do have the best looking, intelligent and conservative women in the country here in Texas. I’ve been married to one for nearly thirteen years now. Her only fault is she has a weird taste in men…

  5. hmmm…Janeane Garofalo said there were NO black people at any of these redneck racist celebrations, therefore……
    this video is FAKE! Stupid conservatives should have known better than to hire 1 1/2 blacks trying to fool people.

    She is very clean…and articulate….too bad she doesn’t look black enough to be President…since those are the only qualifications these days.

    Oh wait, she has a job, that disqualifies her too. Darn

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