The Church of Obama

Let’s get serious for a minute.

ABC News reports that CIA agents that the Obama administration doesn’t give them the support they need to do their job:

“We ask these people to do extremely dangerous things, things they’ve been ordered to do by legal authorities, with the understanding that they will get top cover if something goes wrong,” (Dr. Mark M. Lowenthal, former Assistant Director of Central Intelligence for Analysis and Production) says. “They don’t believe they have that cover anymore.”

This is important. Very important.

Back in the 1970s, in the post-Watergate era, the Democrats overreacted to everything. They hated Richard Nixon — to a degree not seen until their hate of George W. Bush. And they were going to wreak vengeance, no matter the cost.

It cost us a lot.

I remember it well. I recall when Idaho Senator Frank Church chaired a committee (the United States Senate Select Committee to Study Governmental Operations with Respect to Intelligence Activities) that effectively gutted the U.S. intelligence community.

One of the effects of the Church Committee was a drop in morale in the intelligence community.

Being a spy — a field agent — isn’t all James Bond. It’s not any James Bond. It’s mostly being where you don’t want to be, with people you don’t want to be with, risking imprisonment or death if exposed.

But, knowing you have the support of your country helps.

After the Church Committee, many felt they didn’t have that support.

Couple that with the restrictions placed on the intelligence agencies, and suddenly it’s very hard to do the job.

What could go wrong?

Well, for one thing, the CIA could be caught flatfooted should the government of a friendly nation be suddenly overthrown by Islamic radicals. Such as happened in Iran in 1979.

Think about that one event. Had we seen it coming, could we have prevented it? Maybe. And imagine the world today had the Islamic Revolution not happened.

The intelligence community still hasn’t recovered. Though morale is better, many of the restrictions still in place have made it hard for intelligence to be verified to the proper degree. It’s never easy, but the restrictions make it harder.

Credit goes to Frank Church for the situation today.

And we’re about to have part two of that whole situation.

The Obama administration is poised to hang CIA agents out to dry.

Look for a drop in morale in intelligence agencies.

And look for Congressional committees to “clean up” the intelligence community.

Then look for something to happen because of a failure of the intelligence community, because of the agents not being able to do their job.

Frank Church hurt this country greatly with his committee’s work that hurt our spies. And he was a Senator.

Imagine what damage the current president will do.


  1. History repeats itself. Frank church, Jimmy Carter. Let’s hope we see a new Reagaan, one who can cross political boundaries and re-arm both our military and our intelligence community. That is the only good thing, we can expect an opposite reaction. Democrats/liberals/socialists should move to France. They’d be happier and among thie own.

  2. More of the BHO strategy of The Golden BB (Blame Bush) – BB the for CIA excesses – Gut the CIA ……. BB for attacks that follow – Make concessions to Islamists ……. BB for further restrictions of freedoms to make us safer – More government power and more slaves to the government. And done in CYA mode by letting the House and Senate do the dirty work. I would suggest a movement to remove the words “Land of the Free” from the anthem but the whole song will probably be scrapped anyway.

  3. As I recall the primary job of the Executive branch is to defend and protect the Constitution on the United States. Kennedy had it right when he stood up to the Soviets. Lincoln had it right, even when he dissolved Habi Corpis. Reagan had it right when he rebulit our military and our pride after Carter demolished it. Oh BTW wasn’t it Reagan’s policies that helped end the Soviet Union and brought East and West Germany together? And whether you like him or not, Bush had it right and put his politics aside to protect you, me and our children. I’m not trying to say Obama doesn’t care about the Country or Constitution I just think he cares more about Image then substance. Joni mitchell said it “They paved paradis and put up a parking lot”.

  4. I’m confident we’ll be able to trace the next 20 years of terrorist attacks to decisions made by BHO and his cronies, just as we can trace 9/11 to Jamie Gorelick’s walls between intelligence agencies memo that kept the left hand from knowing what the right hand was doing.

    The trouble is that Reagan had an economy to work with that didn’t owe the Chinese et al 12 trillion dollars. A future Reagan won’t have that luxury. It’s as if they are trying to destroy America while they have the chance so that A) we won’t be in the way of globalist ideology, B) we won’t be powerful enough to “intrude” on dictatorships or defend ourselves, and C) they can point back to how much better it was when they were in charge without noting that their policies destroyed the country. It’s also obvious that the whole “never waste a crisis” also means “don’t solve it until we’ve sucked as much power out of it as possible”.

    The whole far left lie of “equality of opportunity must mean equality of results” coupled with “Good ethics and bad ethics must be the same or we’ll make bad people feel bad, and if everything is the same no one will have a reason to fight” will damn anything it touches to the sewer of history. Mantras invented by to keep kindergardeners from getting wedgies do not work on the world stage. Only stoners would believe them, and many do.

  5. Today it was announced by the Obama Administration that the Star Spangled Banner will be replaced by the song This Land Is Your Land This Land Is My Land. The old, hard to sing, militaristic, and completely obsolete national anthem is to be replaced because the new national anthem will be easer to sing, is non militaristic, and all inclusive. Furthermore the new anthem will defiantly not use the term “land of the free” which some nations such as Iran, Russia, Cuba, and Venezuela among others have objected to as terms like that are nonproductive and tend to cast dispersions on their own governmental policies. Other songs considered but rejected by the administration included Puff the Magic Dragon, Kumbaya, Where Have All The Flowers Gone, and the old Chubby Checker hit The Twist, all considered to be non violent and non threatening songs. It was further announced that the Obama Administration has earmarked 100 billion dollars in stimulus money for this vital national program.

  6. Unfortunately the Cult of O’vomit is the only church that will survive his socialistic, hedonistic, narcissistic, humanistic, atheistic administration. It is sad to me that because the media elected this idiot minus the savant history may well report that it only took one inexperienced, inept, and self absorbed black man one term to destroy 200+ years of democracy. With all of the experience, capable, intelligent people of color in our country the media chose this specimen.

    Way to snatch defeat out of the jaws of victory.

  7. The litmus test is easy for senators, congressmen and people in a lib administration:

    Those who are employed by the government who actually do real work (ie. military, FBI, CIA, firemen, cops, etc.) are douchebags.

    Those who are employed by the government but do nothing but get in the way of those doing hard work, while tearing down the country (governers, senators, president, administration) are public servants that give of themselves and are eligible for sainthood.

  8. I would like to thank Basil for not blaming me for what happened when I was only an 11 to 35 year old. Now, it’s time to give me the book “How Idaho Destroyed The United States: Five Decades Of The Pillage In America”.

    I’m a reader and I know I will enjoy it, and oh, by the way, I would like to apologize to the nation and the world and all the planets in the universe, even those that have not yet been discovered and just say that I am sorry for what Idaho has done. We have been arrogant, self serving and destructive to the planet by our lust and greed.

    We are responsible for the current outbreak of swine flu and rightly so because we are a bunch of piglets. I would also like to apologize for Frank Church who was raised in Boise before there were Bronco’s and was educated at Stanford which is in California and……Hey! What the Hell? Educated in California? Holly Cripes! Can’t you see? This was not Idaho’s fault it was California’s. This was just another example of Idaho is too great a state to Californicate.

    I’m sorry, but I take back my apology!

    P.S. Do I have to give back the book?

  9. This isn’t funny. I come here to laugh, not to get depressed. This is like, what the news ought to be or something. But since they’re “The Ministry of Truth” now, we have to turn to the comics for the news. So where is the comedy now? Not cable, or at least I don’t think so but I don’t have cable so what do I know. The zoo? They have monkeys, right?

  10. Oh sweet heart, that’s what the Drive by Media is for and don’t forget Congress. Hey they’re electing comedians now, no matter what the voters want. Mr. Frankenstein goes to Washington, I’m so glad we live in fly over country.

    Coming to a house of congress near you Representative or Congressperson Janine Grr-awful- o. Sorry that just makes me want to hurl.

  11. LOL — your logic in your second senc is bogus. What was and is being said is that the Pres does not want the people that do the work to be hindered, so he will not have them being brought to court.

    There was information coming from 2 Congress committees that was very explicit. The ACLU had forced the information to be released. And alot more is coming due to ACLU suits.

    Remember — Bush appplogized to the WHOLE world for the “torture” that occured in Iraq. AND every single one of the Armed Services AG and generals have said what has happened is torture.

    Obama is in a very bad situation. The ACLU and committees will continue to force information out in the public.

    To make this Obama’s fault is ignorant in the extreme.

    This is one of many disasters he has left with.

    [You got a problem with the logic where I quote someone? A reporter with ABC News? Go bitch at them, if you don’t like their logic. As someone who, in an much earlier life, filed reports with ABC News, I think I’m correct in saying they’d love to hear from you.

    I guess I can understand why you say nothing is Obama’s fault. If you’ve done nothing your entire life, no one can blame you for anything. Good policy there. Good enough to get you elected by a bunch of dumbasses (and by dumbasses, I mean people who voted for Obama, just so we’re clear). But not good enough to run a country. Not the US, at least. – B]

  12. I’d pay real cash money to see you hurl on her, Seanmahair.

    Basil, that’s a very serious subject and thanks for bringing it up. I have to confess that I’m so sick of this Obamaroid guy already that I can hardly write about politics any more. Everyone here who’s still able to get their thoughts through their typing fingers deserves an honorable mention, IMO. Me, I just keep gearing up for the worst, ’cause, it’s a comin’. Can we all spell “Strontium 90?”

  13. I’m not going to worry too much about it. Obama has spit on the people in charge of protecting his sorry hiney. I’m sure that’s going over well. Good luck on the whole convertable thing Kennedy…

  14. Son of Bob is right on. My understanding of social contract is that we give up some rights in accepting a government, a neccessary evil, that protects us from civil wrongs (cops, FBI) and foriegn enemies (military, CIA).
    The government has quit on its side of the contract. The protection we sought in accepting government rule is now less important to our government than the intollerable power grabbing aspects such as social programs.

    Except this: everyone still loves firemen.

  15. This is all true, but…..

    The CIA is an organization that is rotten to the core. Remember the relentless campaign that was waged on the Bush Administration throughout their eight years in office via leaks of damaging information to the NYT and company? The vast majority of these leaks were perpetrated by members of the CIA. Remember Valerie Plame and Joe Wilson? A microcosm of the CIA in action. We really need to just abolish the CIA completely and start over again from scratch. The systemic rot throughout the agency makes it impossible to try to salvage it. I am not saying that there aren’t good men and women working in the agency, but as a whole, it is consumed by an inoperable cancer and needs to be put down for its own good.


  16. you’re all hilarious.

    [“hilarious”? As in funny? I’m funny how, I mean funny like I’m a clown, I amuse you? I make you laugh, I’m here to f**kin’ amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How am I funny? – B]

  17. Maybe once in a while we need to funny back, Idahoser. Like telling Basil about the funny bit at RiffTrax, the Joe Cocker link about …. Sled In New Orleans. Of course if I wasn’t a lazy sod, I would learn the linky dinky skillz myself.

  18. [“hilarious”? As in funny? I’m funny how, I mean funny like I’m a clown, I amuse you? I make you laugh, I’m here to f**kin’ amuse you? What do you mean funny, funny how? How am I funny? – B]

    Wow. Good job, Frank.

  19. Pingback: Obama To CIA - CYA! You’re going to love this… — Hope & Spare Change

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