That Few?

There are seventeen socialists in the House.


  1. It would be far easier to attempt to count the ones that WEREN’T socialists. Let’s start with the Republican party: McCain..socialist. Graham…socialist. Specter…socialist. Hatch…socialist. Oh, I give up.

  2. Maybe the others are a mix of communist, nationalist, anarchist, fascist, populist, and any other economic philosophy that wanted to get rid of capitalism, and replace it with a controlled economy.

  3. Speaking of socialists: DEMOCRATIC SOCIALISTS OF AMERICA, FREEDOM SOCIALIST PARTY / RADICAL WOMEN, NATIONAL SOCIALIST MOVEMENT PARTY, PARTY FOR SOCIALISM AND LIBERATION, SOCIAL DEMOCRATIC PARTY OF AMERICA / SOCIAL DEMOCRATS USA, SOCIALIST PARTY USA, SOCIALIST ACTION PARTY, SOCIALIST EQUALITY PARTY, SOCIALIST LABOR PARTY, SOCIALIST WORKERS PARTY, AMERICAN SOCIALIST PARTY, LIBERTARIAN NATIONAL SOCIALIST GREEN PARTY, WORLD SOCIALIST PARTY OF THE USA. These are just some of the socialist parties/entities active in this country but are not by any means all of them. The good thing is many of these groups hate each other as much as they hate capitalist running dogs. Pansexual Peace Party, Although not exactly socialist, but left leaning, I included these guys because…well…who doesn’t like sex?

  4. 17? Somebody needs to take off their shoes and resume counting.

    Silicon Valley Jim;
    There’s only one, wait a minute … BANG! … there are no socialists in my house. Even my chocolate Lab has a red-neck … thanks to the damn cat!

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