The Purge

Now that we finally scared Arlen Specter away, enough with putting up with whiny weaklings in the Republican Party. We already can’t break a filibuster, so losing a few more won’t make things worse. It’s time for The Purge™.

Let’s get rid of the liberals – and anyone who refers to a liberal as a moderate. If you voted for Obama’s trillions, you can’t be a Republican. And it’s time to finally bury Bush’s idea of “Compassionate Conservatism”. Here were the main tenets of it:

* We should not actively seek to harm poor people.

* Hippies should not be punched to the point of death.

* Enemy combatants should not be tortured just for entertainment.

* If we’re going to round up liberals into camps, the camps should at least have sanitary drinking water.

* We need better reasons for declaring war on a country than, “Nothing good is on TV.”

No more! It’s time to get back to the conservatism that tears apart everything that gets in front of it. It is time for the strong to crush the weak. It is time for the earners in this country to keep their money and all others to starve. It is time for The Purge™, the restoration of awesomeness to the Republican Party. Let only the strong survive.


  1. Wasn’t this the principals of the Republican Underground? My suggestions for the first wave of the Purge is Snowe, Collins and Hagel. Even though Hagel is retired, He could make a comeback. I don’t like loose ends.

  2. * If you don’t think this is cool, then you might be a RINO, and you should get out of town.

    * If you think that Obama “isn’t all bad, I mean he has some good ideas.”, then you might be a RINO, and you should get out of town, pal

    * If you don’t like this picture, then you might be a RINO, and you should get out of town, pal.

    * If awesome fly overs by B-2 stealth bombers at sporting events don’t make you proud to be an American, then you might be a RINO, and you should get out of town, pal.

    * If you think I’m willing to pay for Mexicans to live here illegally, then you might be a RINO, and you should get out of town, pal.

    * If you don’t support our troops, get your butt out of town ASAP.

  3. Im in!! yes snowe, clooins, hagle, steel, mccain, brownback and anyone else who has turned into a girly man. Bring back Frist. Support DeMint, Enzi, and Cornyn and those that are truly American. put the communists in the crosshairs.

  4. The Purge must commence forthwith!

    Frank is right. Since we already cannot filibuster the dems 60-vote majority, getting the rest of the RINO weenies out won’t make the ensuing socialist-engineered legislation any more painful or dangerous. What it will enable us to do is cleanly and completely lay the blame at the dems’ feet for the societal upheaval that would soon follow.

    No more playing nice nice. No more pussies. It’s time to pull of the gloves and whip out the bone-crushing conservatism that wins every time it’s put to the people for a vote. Every time!

    Whip it out! Only the strong survive.

    Mitch Rapp

  5. To catch a RINO you must think like a RINO. We’ll need a decent Democrat to help out in the purge. We can get Zell Miller if we promise to push for the 28th amendment guaranteeing the peoples unalienable right to duel. We get Zell and no more Chris Mathews. It’s a win/win situation.

  6. Extra fine list there, MarkoMancuso. Can I change one? Okay, thanks…

    * If you didn’t support our troops OR our CINC, President Bush, in Iraq or Afghanistan, shove your head in a toilet and flush.

  7. To only think with Al Frankin added to the ranks we are days away from having the stage set for ‘TEAM JACKASS : World Chaos’ .

    This assemblage of the pure workhorse, each are rentless in bringing down to you a better view of what they have. What do they have? They have tours. They have stage shows. Rockstars and tax free concerts. Led in part by Miss Pelosi , please pat her on the head but do not feed it. These creatures will devour anything and everything. They have been known to swallow entire corporations. Hide your children and pray that we may return to the land we are borne to.

  8. “hippies should not be punched to the point of death”….. I have to agree with this statment…… They should be punched PAST the point of death….. I dont want to take any chances.

  9. Here is a post I left for Sen Cornyn at his website after writing another to him a few days ago taking him to task for his (then) support of the traitor Arlen Specter.

    Sen. Cornyn,

    I recently emailed you about your role as chairman of the National Republican Senatorial Committee and will have to apologize now, as I did then, for misrepresenting the subject of my comments to you. I have still not found a way to contact you in that official capacity.
    If you noticed, the subject I picked this time is “education”, can you guess why?
    It is because you have just received one from the traitor Arlen Specter. I believe the kids nowdays would say “p0wn3d” , and you have been. Look it up.
    In my last post I mentioned how the conservatives in Pennsylvania could no longer stomach the traitor Arlen Specter and would do anything to be rid of him, even while the Republican party, and you in particular, wanted to cozy up to him to try to keep that precious Senate seat.
    By the way, how’s that working out for you?
    Have you noticed that I said “conservatives” in Pennsylvania were sick of the traitor Specter? That wasn’t an accident, I did not mean to say Republicans. Many of us, former proud Republicans, have stopped identifying ourselves as such. Not only because it can be embarrassing, but that the Republican party is too often at odds with our beliefs. For the most part we are still registered as Republicans, but only because there is no alternative, so I advise you and the Republican leadership to not count on the number of those registered to actually vote that way.
    Unless we feel an offered candidate is truly representative of our beliefs we will most likely not vote at all in the general elections. In fact, you (the Republican party) are dangerously close to losing a large percentage of your voting base to any party that comes along with an actual conservative candidate and platform.
    If I may offer a few points of advice that I think might help the Republican party get back on track:

    –Read the Constitution. Make it the foundation of the party and its platform.
    –Don’t react to the slurs and comments of the Democrats, we don’t care what they say or call us. We aren’t in fifth grade anymore and really aren’t affected by them calling us meanies.
    –Be the party of “No”, take a stand and adopt their intended slur as an honor. Say “No” to higher taxes. Say “No” to more government. Say “No” to nationalized health care. Say “No” to bigger deficits. “No” to amnesty for illegals, gutting of the armed forces, cap and trade for carbon, destruction of the coal industry, bowing to foreign leaders, abandoning our allies, apologizing to our enemys, trying to make the U.S. into a copy of Socialized Europe and “NO!” to the destruction of the Constitution of the United States as the foundation on which this country was built and governed.
    –Be conservative. Jettison the dead weight RINO’s who have been the downfall of our party. We (the voters) are not stupid. We pay attention. Why should we vote for someone we aren’t sure how they will vote on conservative issues? See recent examples of John McCain and the traitor Arlen Specter. (By the way, you do realize that he was greatly influenced to jump ship when he found out he was running more than twenty points behind a man who HADN’T OFFICIALLY ENTERED THE RACE. Just another bit of information showing how much Pennsylvanians truly detest the man.)
    –Don’t worry about losing seats, you will. Focus on building a stronger platform, finding candidates who represent conservative values and getting the message out loud and clear: We are not part of this train wreck, we are opposed to the growth of govt, the deficit, etc. and we want to get America back to its foundation, the Constitution as rule and law. We will get the seats back later.
    –Tell the religious right thank you very much, but we are not trying to return to biblical law, but Constitutional law. If they can not accept groups who might have been brought into the conservative camp but for their persecution by the religious right (Pat Buchanan) then they may want to find their own party. We will certainly accept them, as we will all groups who stand for individual freedoms, but why should or would we choose to accept one group and alienate another while we espouse ideas of freedom and equality? Steal that identity from the left. Be the party of inclusiveness rather than exclusiveness. Not that we would offer special privileges as the left must to keep its groups in line, we will offer equality to all.
    –Read the Constitution. I say this again because it seems all too often that the Republicans don’t really KNOW what it says and cannot offer the correct arguments against the left when they attempt to twist or ignore the Constitution to get something they want passed. Read and study the Constitution, the Federalist Papers, the Anti-Federalist papers and any related documents. Form study groups if you have to but KNOW the material you are talking about.
    –Find competent, conservative leadership. When infighting and name calling among the leading conservatives is splashed across the national media, it costs us.

    In conclusion, Sen. Cornyn, I and millions of others are waiting to see how you and the Republican party handle this situation. I look forward to hearing from you either personally or through the media and seeing what course you and the party will now take. Will you attempt to be even more like the Democrats and risk losing most of your support from the voters? Or will you attempt to put the party back on its foundation and risk losing political power with the chance of becoming even stronger in the future?

    We, The People, are awaiting your response.

  10. Forget “conservatism,” please. It has, operationally, de facto, been Godless and thus irrelevant. Secular conservatism will not defeat secular liberalism because to God they are two atheistic peas-in-a-pod and thus predestined to failure. As Stonewall Jackson’s Chief of Staff R.L. Dabney said of such a humanistic belief more than 100 years ago:

    ”[Secular conservatism] is a party which never conserves anything. Its history has been that it demurs to each aggression of the progressive party, and aims to save its credit by a respectable amount of growling, but always acquiesces at last in the innovation. What was the resisted novelty of yesterday is today .one of the accepted principles of conservatism; it is now conservative only in affecting to resist the next innovation, which will tomorrow be forced upon its timidity and will be succeeded by some third revolution; to be denounced and then adopted in its turn. American conservatism is merely the shadow that follows Radicalism as it moves forward towards perdition. It remains behind it, but never retards it, and always advances near its leader. This pretended salt hath utterly lost its savor: wherewith shall it be salted? Its impotency is not hard, indeed, to explain. It .is worthless because it is the conservatism of expediency only, and not of sturdy principle. It intends to risk nothing serious for the sake of the truth.”

    Our country is collapsing because we have turned our back on God (Psalm 9:17) and refused to kiss His Son (Psalm 2).

    John Lofton, Editor,

    Recovering Republican

  11. Oh dear!

    We haven’t learned anything from the last 2 years have we. If we (Conservatives -secular and religious) don’t learn to get along and work together we will hand this country over to the denizens of the destroyer. We desperately need to figure out where our common ground lies and then we need to make a stand. If I might make a suggestion, maybe we could focus on:

    Equal Opportunity
    Religious tolerance

    …..maybe then we could stop bickering over who’s religion is better, righter or truer than everyone else’s, and take back the country before it becomes “Europe Pas-Deux”

  12. James Madison, Federalist 51:
    “But what is government itself, but the greatest of all reflections on human nature? If men were angels, no government would be necessary. If angels were to govern men, neither external nor internal controls on government would be necessary. In framing a government which is to be administered by men over men, the great difficulty lies in this: you must first enable the government to control the governed; and in the next place oblige it to control itself.”

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