
This twittering is addictive. It’s like there’s a party going on with all the cool people hanging out and chatting… except I’m invited and I don’t stand quietly in the corner. Anyway, I’ve added my last three tweets to the sidebar so you can better admire my awesomeness. Also, for those already following me on Twitter, you should now get post updates there because I still need people to come to this site to make that sweet blog money (about half of which goes to the government!).


  1. Sure, you start off with just a little innocent tweeting. Then it happens; you have to make the jump to the harder stuff. Before you know it you will be on Facebook and MySpace trying to get billions and billions of friends. You will be a total friend whore, a shell of the man you used to be. It will be sad and your ancestors will hang their heads in shame.

  2. If I had twitter I would only “tweet” when I had done something really boring and plain, like going to get the mail or putting on shoes, or bodily functions, like defecating or yawning.
    I can see it now: “Just wiped with Charmin, boy my rear has never been so clean”

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