Twitter Posts

You commenters are some vile angry things. Just thought I could throw in some extra content based on thoughts throughout the day and if you didn’t like it, you could scroll past it. But apparently such a thing is not possible unless I want to put up with excessive mewling and crying. I should not call you commenters — I should call you dreamcrushers. You do naught but keep me down.

Fine. That’s it. I’m done blogging. I get no joy out of it and it’s nothing but more work each day when there are so many other projects I’d like to try. So no more posts out of me.


Or at least until tomorrow.

Plus the Twitter thing kept double posting. It was kinda annoying me too.


  1. It seemed OK to me on the sidebar. But I couldn’t get into reading them on the main page, especially after all the “news” about how much Ellen DeGeneres likes it or Ashton & Oprah’s “Twitter War”.

    Besides, I didn’t need Twitter to know that Aston Kucher & Oprah Winfrey were both twits already.

    [Thanks for the feedback and burn in hell! -Ed.]

  2. >

    You know they saw it! They read them (in the sidebar, on their Crackberry, repeatedly hitting F5 on, etc) just to complain.

    Actually, I’m laughing. I shouldn’t be, I know.

    But you’re right. You’re Random Thoughts are one of the most popular features at IMAO. But when you save them up and have them post all at once (“Tandem Thoughts?”), it’s suddenly a bad thing.

    I’m laughing. Sorry, but I’m laughing.

    Not at you, Frank.

    At the TDS.

  3. I love these “I Hate Frank” posts. Oh. You hate us. Oh, crap.

    You know, Frank, you could start the same kind of live blog chat that Hot Air and Ace use when there are hot things going on. You’d get a huge crowd hare and then you could tell us in real-time how much we suck!!

    [We could start a “We Hate Commenters Because They’re All Irrational and Stupid” blog. It might be a good idea if it didn’t come from you, a commenter. -Ed.]

  4. Sometimes ya gotta be careful what you wish for….. If I recall correctly… was a certain someone who asked others for thier thoughts regarding said content. As I said earlier …. I really dont care if your gay and you “twitter”….. I mean there’s nothing wrong with being a twittering gay person… I swear….just ask anyone in San Francisco….or Jimmy…

    [We’ve long known you have no problem with being gay. -Ed.]

  5. See, Frank, Terrible Troy knows me better than you do. And he lets me make suggestions!

    I do like the Daily Random Thought. And I’d also love one right before you go to bed at night, Frank. (You do that, don’t you?) It would say:

    Random Thought : Open Blog.

    Then all of us Left Coasters could write crazy things in it before we go to bed.

    [Basically I can use the strategy used to fool dumb children. There’s no difference between the store brand cereal and the cereal advertised on TV, but the kids want the cereal advertised on TV because they’re morons. So you just put the store brand cereal in a brand name cereal box. I can do something similar to get you dumb babies to read the Twitter posts. -Ed.]

  6. Well maybe you could put the main body of the tweets so we would have to click to open, and if anyone complained we would track them down and pound the snot out of them. And their cross dressing boyfriends. Or even worse, just ignore them.

  7. Frank, just take some of your better twits and put them into their own blog posts. Us dumb commenters wouldn’t be able to tell the difference; in fact, we would praise you for a wonderful post even though we hated it under a different title.

    Wait.. this sounds too much like liberalism… scratch that idea…

  8. “But apparently such a thing is not possible unless I want to put up with excessive mewling and crying.”
    It works for my kids. It worked for us. Maybe we should learn more from our kids. Next I’m going to hold my breath until Frank apologizes for calling me vile and angry.

  9. It’s Sunday so…….I love twitterers, and Frank and Basil and Alan and Jimmy and Troy and all of the rest of the commentators here at IMAO. God commands me to “love my neighbor” so, there I’m done.

    You can now resume your pithy banter or…………

    we can all sing Kum ba yah.

  10. The REAL thing that should have us all hating Twitter is how much John McCain likes it………. But the posts weren’t THAT bad, once you got used to some of the funky code floating around. I’m sure the twitter posts will be SORELY missed by EVERYONE, even if no one will admit it!

  11. (Sung in a deep gravelly bass)

    “Someone’s twitterin’, Lord,
    Kum ba yah! (3 times)
    Oh Lord, Kum ba yah!”

    Now I won’t be able to get that tune out of my head until tomorrow!

    What other verses shall we sing?

  12. Frank, when you’re 51 you won’t give a rats’ ass about Twitter, or Kindle, or Windows 25. And that’s the good news.
    You’re a funny dude. If you write it, I’ll read it. It’s all good.

  13. Wow Frank, you’re beginning to sound a bit similar to the Obama administration commenting on the Tea Parties.

    …except for the massively important difference that you actually have an understanding of the Constitution, of course.

  14. Yeah, pretty much. Also comes with broadcasting ability built in, which makes it sort of a cross between blogging and text messaging. I’ve got no use for it myself, and find the usual collected-tweet formats a bit bumpy to read, but can’t comprehend actually complaining about it. Don’t people know how to scroll these days?

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