Twitter Updates for 2009-04-18

  • I want to be the first today to say I’m awesome, because my opinion counts the most. #
  • Only reason to protest Obama: Racism! I swear there is not enough combined brain power at DailyKos to light an LED #
  • RT @basilsblog My problem with Obama is his color: he’s a Red. Except when dealing with terrorists. Then he’s yellow. #
  • RT @basilsblog: Drudge: “Journalists get PTSD.” I knew they had some kind of disorder. #
  • Time for my morning Fruity Snack! #
  • RT @JTlol The Beavis & Butt-head of News: The great @battonl does it again! #
  • Next: Cavemen on a Jet Ski. RT@justkarl Taliban biker gang: #
  • It would be cool if the torture memos were full of made up stuff to scare the enemy. “We regularly anally rape detainees with a pig.” #
  • New Obama approved harsh interrogation technique: Only serve terrorists flat soda. #
  • New Obama approved harsh interrogation technique: Deny hugs until they talk. #
  • So has CNN said what they’ve done with Roesgen? Did they put her into hiding? #
  • My wife is scared of caterpillars. I wonder if she’s a terrorist. #
  • I don’t get how you torture someone with a caterpillar. Can you even connect that to a car battery? #
  • If Jack Bauer ever finds out Garofalo is a mole and shoots her in the head, that will be ratings gold. #
  • Jack Bauer once tortured a confession out of a terrorist using just a caterpillar. #
  • If the Israelis do give the Palestinians their own state, that will make it easier to declare war on them. #
  • RT @justkarl Jack Dunphy links you to the Pew News IQ Quiz: The results are scary. And sexist! #
  • The Georgetown things isn’t unusual. When Obama spoke to Muslims he had Muhammad cover his face. #
  • RT @allahpundit Susan Roesgen now on “vacation” #
  • Texas already seceded? Well, good luck to them. #
  • I’m outraged! RT @allahpundit Janeane Garofalo: I totally snubbed Rush Limbaugh when he visited the “24” set #
  • RT @allahpundit The alternate history of Kurt Cobain: #
  • RT @RWSparkle @JTlol I say we stuff anderson cooper in a locker after school. He’s used to being in a closet anyway #
  • It would be awesome if one of Obama’s nominees not only didn’t pay taxes but is also a former Somali pirate. #
  • The both look like such nice guys; why are we mean to them? RT @jaketapper Another foto of Obama and Chavez — #
  • Watching Fringe. Monster kills animal rights activists that relased it. It’s funny ’cause it’s ironic. #
  • RT @JTlol Maybe @oprah will start recommending Tweeters like she does books. Here’s my audition: HEY OPRAH YOUR FAT LOL LOL LOL J/K #
  • I wonder what Garofalo’s reaction will be to the celebrations on the 4th of July (or, as she knows it, “White Supremacy Day”)? #
  • I think Obama’s highspeed rails will make some great settings for future action movies. #
  • When I met Morpheus, I took both the red and blue pills. I don’t know if what I saw afterwards was the true reality, but it was AWESOME! #

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  1. OK Dr. Mayhem, if a blind rhinoceros sex slave chews off it’s own dingus to escape Garofalo’s bed, how many Ninjas does it take to delete the rhino/moonbat porn before it gets out on the internet?

  2. Oy vey! I think Twitter is either a sign of the apocalypse or a defense for justifiable homocide. I’m going insane trying to follow all those links. Frank have you been chipped yet?

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