
I decided to give Twitter another try. I still don’t quite “get it”, but at least I can jot down random thoughts there as I have them. So what else am I supposed to do with it?


  1. Twitter is the modern version of the guy who used to show up at every professional sporting event in the ’80s wearing a wacky rainbow-colored afro wig. He didn’t really do anything, he was of no actual significance to anything going on, but he still wanted everyone to look at him anyway.

  2. Check out TCOT (Top Conservatives On Twitter), a growing network of thousands of conservatives. Follow top conservatives there along with key news sites and some others along with organizations such as the NRA.

    I detect a lot of skepticism here. I’m pretty avid online as a political discussion group moderator, and blog commenter for years. In the past few months I’ve found Twitter rapidly replacing time spent cruising blogs for news and commentary. After a bit of time learning the basics the news gets delivered to me with one click links to almost everything. Relying on those I am tracking I am developing a filter that puts me in immediate touch with what interests me. I want to know what’s breaking I don’t have to jump around to ten news sites, it shows up in my column and I can click on it if I want. Plus there is some discipline involved in getting ideas across in a very limited character allotment.

    I’ve actually met a few conservatives as individuals and ended up caring about them as people and vice versa. I’m not talking about finding sex; I’m talking about some really good people. And some smart folks. Some funny folks.

    Nope, I’m not selling it. It’s not for everyone. I have no interest, financial or otherwise in Twitter. Just relating my experience there, fwiw. And yeh, the terminology sounds geh to me too. Oh well, small price to pay, lol.

    Oh yeah, and the first thing you should do is find a better client than the default client. TweetDeck works great for me. Google “Twitter Introduction” or somesuch and put a couple hours into it.

    @DaMav I’m not a reason to get on Twitter but that’s where you can find me. Good luck either way.

  3. Treat Twitter like a party. You find your friends at a party, then you all go off into a corner and discuss something interesting to you, WITHOUT caring what everybody else is talking about. Spend most of your time on Twitter on a search, like for example . Read what other people are saying and then reply back, make conversation! A lot of times people will tweet links to their latest blog post, or an article they found interesting. Read the post or article, then tweet your own comment on it. Retweet it if you think it was really great (that way your “followers” get the link too).

    What most Twitter newbies do is spend all their time on their home page sending out a few tweets. That’s like the guy at the party who stands in the middle of the room saying the occasional random sentence and wondering why nobody wants to talk to him. It’s not enough to just be at the party, you have to do something while you’re there.

  4. Twitter is a way for us all to emulate the communication patterns of girls on the cusp of puberty so that the entire world can see our thoughts seconds after we think them. What could go wrong?

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