We Should Torture People Who Are Against Torturing Terrorists

I can see people opposing torture because they’re worried some innocent guy is going to get tortured, but I don’t see how people can act like they oppose the specific applications we’ve been told about. People are questioning whether waterboarding Khalid Sheikh Mohammed led to actionable intelligence, to which I say IT’S KHALID SHEIKH MOHAMMED! No one think this guy isn’t a murderous terrorist, so frankly I don’t care if the CIA connected a car battery to his gonads because they were bored.

Anyone who has problems with a murderous terrorist being discomforted in an attempt to save American lives should be executed for treason. That might seem harsh, but I’m getting a little tired of all the mamby-pamby little sissies we have to deal with along with the terrorists trying to kill us.


  1. This is the liberal doctrine of always siding with the scum of the earth and allowing innocent people to be murdered in cold blood. You see, they are worried that they will get caught and want to be treated with kid gloves, being the scum of the earth.

    Also, they are so worried about waterboarding, which can be done hundreds of times on the same person with no physical ill effects, yet they are willing to stick a scissors in the back of the head of a nine month old baby that is in the process of being born and then sucking the babies brains out. Of course this baby is the most innocent person on the face of the earth. So that makes it OK. Its only murderous scum that MUST be protected.

    Welcome to the world of the Democratic party.

  2. Take the mamby-pamby sissies and waterboard ’em. See if they talk. (Doesn’t matter about what.) Dang straight they will. They’ll sell their mommas up the creek. So, therefore, IT WORKS. No success should be restrained.

  3. I wonder if they support torture for right wing extremists? The left has a bad habit of looking the other way when the “civil rights” belong to those who believe differently than them. Eavesdropping on terrorists phone and e-mail is bad, doing the same under Clinton on American citizens with the carnivore system seeking tax cheats was a-okay.
    KSM? WAterboarding? Only with sharks. Or lock him in a room with the Hildebeast in a nightie. Brrr.

  4. I’m sick and tired of these Monkey-fighting Sissies being in my Monday-to-Friday Country. And I really want to see every protester for the rights of a terrorist get waterboarded side-by-side with that bugger. That and the gonads thing. That’ll give ’em something to cry about.

  5. Proposal:
    Round up everyone who has ever claimed waterboarding/catapillers/etc.. to be torture and give them one of two options.
    1) Torture (Guantanamo style)
    2) Torture (Midievel/Hanoi/Islamic style)
    Any that choose #2 can still continue to claim the methods that were used by the CIA are torture. (IF they survive)
    Any that choose #1 can no longer make this claim, under penalty of #2.

  6. These cry baies have obviously never sat through a michael moore waste of film footage. Please waterboard me before someone forces me to watch that crapfest sicko. Hell let them ride in a car with teddy. A caterpilliar is a cuddly pet after that.

  7. Personally, who cares if they talk or not…connect a car battery to his gonads just because it would be fun to watch that done to a murderous piece of crap. It would get millions of hits on YouTube, and it would be hilarious to read the comments by the Code Pink-wannabe college student fags.

    The rules of war that we signed onto don’t apply to them anyway, as they’re not an organized, uniformed military.

  8. i don’t know about everyone else but the constant exposure to the liberal left, O’vomit and the Hollyweird monsters and aliens (and I mean that NOT in a good way) seems like cruel and inhuman punishment to me.

    Maybe there are reparations in the offing for those of us who are being tortured. See violence inherent in the system. Help help I’m being repressed………..

  9. From what I’ve read, the CIA didn’t do anything to the terrorists that was any worse than what lots of us have gone through in labor/childbirth. No one is offering me reparations for that; the ACLU hasn’t sued my kids for my torture and humiliation. And I’m sick and tired of hearing about how we can’t intensively question “them” because then they’ll torture “us” when we’re captured. Here’s a news flash for all the whining moonbats: the jihadists are already torturing and beheading everyone on the planet, including their own mothers and sisters. They sneer at our weaknesses and exploit our decencies . Waterboard them all.

    Cheney/Palin 2012

  10. Do none of you understand that all this inhumane treatment of prisoners and complete disregard for international laws is PART OF THE PROBLEM with why terrorists have a never-ending pool of angry anti-U.S. sentiment to draw on? And don’t ignore the fact that so much of the “info” gleaned from torture has led to a whole lot of effort chasing down false leads.

    I have no problem with reasonable interrogation of suspected terrorists, nor with punishment of known terrorists. Don’t confuse the two. Part of the problem is that many of the detainees at Gitmo were swept up in the fervor of investigating the attacks, and were not previously involved in any terrorism. When the innocent are finally released, how are their stories gonna help the image of the U.S. as a leader in the international community? What reasonable expectations can we have for our journalists currently imprisoned in North Korea and Iran if we feel we are above obeying international treaties?

    By the way – you might wanna clean up your template so avatar icons in the comments and ads from the sidebars don’t cover the content of the blog. Just a suggestion.

  11. Well here’s my thing …. if you’re fighting a enemy that adhere’s to the Marquis of Queensbury rules, then you fight by those rules…… and if not, then you fight at the same level as they are fighting you. Kinda a Quid Pro Quo. ….. So if you torture and behead my people… Im going to torture and behead yours. Im not “lowering myself” Im playing on a level playing field. This whole concept of “We’re better than our enemies” is nonsensical on a number of levels. First Im not “better” than any other human on this planet. I may be correct, but that doesnt make me “better” it just makes me right. So this whole concept of we’re better and we shouldnt “lower” ourselves just doenst make sense. I fight my enemies on a level they can easily comprehend. Im not going to raise thier consciousness by fightling at a “higher” moral level, they dont have the capacity to understand the higher moral level to begin with…. and they certainly are not going to understand the err of thier ways unless exposed to the exact behavior and consequences that are wrong so they can develop a personal understanding. Just another example of amatuer hour in DC….. I keep saying to myself these folks cant get any more ignorant …. and every freaking day they prove me wrong. What ever happened to the “reasonable man principle”?

  12. Why can’t we Bible- and gun-toters just rise up and start using said guns and Bibles (while we still have them) to get rid of the opposition?

    Hey, if we’re gonna be labeled as “dangerous” and “narrow-minded” we might as well give them a reason for calling us that…at least until we’ve picked them all off and they can’t spew their hatred for us anymore.

    Then all the other countries will look at us and be like “don’t mess with America…those Bible and gun-toters pick off their own people who don’t like them!”

    We Bible- and gun-toters have been way too tolerant methinks.

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