“We Will Not Let Them See Us Run”

Here is a neat anecdote about Fred Thompson on his reaction to 9/11 when they were evacuating the Capitol building. A lot of people had the right attitude on 9/11, and it’s quite disheartening to think of all those who died so horribly and we now feel we have the luxury to worry whether putting a caterpillar in the same room as a terrorist is “torture.” We should have remained strong. Any time we look weak, they strive. A society that isn’t sure of itself and its own worth is not going to last.


  1. Wouldn’t it be cool if we found out one of the regular comment personalities here was actually Fred Thompson secretly visiting your sight. Oh my gosh what if it is me? I mean I know I am not Fred Thompson, but Fred Thompson is so awesome he could be channeling through me without me even knowing it! Of course it is probably either Jimmy or ussjimmycarter, or Socrates, you know the smart guys.

  2. And only a man sure of his convictions would say :

    “We Will Not Let Them See Us Run”

    Is it NunyaB who keeps ♥hearting♥ Fred Thompson? I sure ♥respect♥ the man, I know that.

    And marvin, if Fred IS commenting here, I wouldn’t want to know it. I think everyone here should remain anonymous and be judged by the merits of their comments. In my case, I haven’t said anything of substance lately, let alone be labeled as ‘smart guy’ (‘smart a$$’ – maybe. I are an engineer!)

  3. #9 that is crazy talk. Your talk of giant caterpillar’s armed with rockets is a distraction from our true needs, dinosaurs armed with rocket launchers. On the other hand, imagine the amount of silk one of those could produce. I guess we could use that silk to make parachutes for our rocket armed dinosaurs. Frank, are we planning on having an airborne capability for our dinosaur brigades?

  4. Ah, Fred. It’d be nice to have someone like him in charge right now. You know, someone who wasn’t a thieving Marxist on domestic issues, and a cowering sissy on foreign issues.

    Maybe, someday, if we’re blessed.

  5. I think Kent (#12) hit on something there.
    Maybe what they find offensive about torturing a terrorist with a caterpillar is that it reminds them of their favorite pancake, Rachel Corrie.

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