Whiny Baby Pirates

In response to the rescue, a pirate chief complained how we didn’t reach a peaceful solution and said, “Next time we get American citizens I wish they will expect no mercy from us.” What a baby. I bet back in the day, Blackbeard didn’t start whining because a few pirates got killed. That’s just how the game is played. He would have been like, “Arr! You’ll all soon be facing me cutlass!” I bet those pirates would have whupped Somali pirates.

Anyway, for the next operation against pirates, American snipers really need bullets that explode a whole person’s head. It should be American policy that if you’re a pirate, we will explode your head. That’s would have been policy back when America first dealt with pirates, but we just didn’t have the technology then. There’s no excuse now.


  1. So, the Seals snuck onto USS Bainbridge wearing black. They then strike with precision accuracy and lethality.

    I guess this answers the day old question of who would win in a Ninja vs Pirate fight.

    1# MarkoMancuso says:
    April 13th, 2009 at 1:35 pm

    At this point, would anyone else be unsurprised if Obama knew this pirate chief in college?

    Know him? The pirate in chief is probably a relative of the Kenyan-In-Chief.

  2. MarkoMancuso says:
    At this point, would anyone else be unsurprised if Obama knew this pirate chief in college?

    Obama has done his old classmate one better – Obama is able to rob people that haven’t even been born yet.

  3. …and meanwhile the mainstream media is buying into the line that we’re “creating more pirates” as a result of this action.

    Let’s examine which policy for handling pirates creates more pirates:

    Option 1) No genuine threat to your life, pleasant negotiators, even allowed to make trips to shore for supplies. Excursion ends with multi-million dollar payoff split between you and your buds.

    Option 2) US Navy Seals shoot you in head.

    Maybe my reasoning abilities aren’t as brilliant and nuanced as those of the mainstream media paid copy-readers, but I’m guessing that policy number one would create far more pirates than the other option.

  4. I hope you read the article Frank linked to. A couple of things struck me:

    He gave no details and it was not clear in what way the pirates could retaliate, though some fear they could take their revenge on the hundreds of other foreign nationals they hold on seized ships.

    Notice how it isn’t the french, or other europeans feared, Its just “some”. The translation; Pansy assed liberals feared.

    I also noted how they said it followed after the french. Which begs the question of oxy morons. french and commando or french and bravery. Of course the author unwittingly complimented the U.S. Navy, by noting that the french killed the owner of the ship, thus failing to rescue him.

  5. #9,

    The French aren’t always cowards. They just do not agree us because we did not back them up in Algeria. Beyond that they are amazing soldiers. Modern England exists as it does because France conquered England back in 1066. French soldiers in the Battle of Yorktown outnumbered Americans. They sunk the Rainbow Warrior, they conquered much of Europe under Napoleon, and they held up most of the German Army during World War I. The British in WW1 had a small army in a small area of France, while the French endured and destroyed much of the Germans for three years until we had to step in and bail them out after they were worn down. The French would attack, sometimes successfully, with bayonets even though they were slaughtered in the thousands. It takes serious balls to do that.

    The French resistance facilitated our invasion of Germany in WW2. A million French soldiers fought on our sides when we crossed the border into Germany.

    French commandos took part in many successful raids in many countries. They participated in the fighting in Afghanistan. Many of our military terms are borrowed from French, and their references were quite often invented by the French.

    The French Foreign Legion is quite possibly the most bad-assed non-American military force. They were always drastically outnumbered by their enemies, but they managed to win most of the time, with only a few exceptions.

  6. Anyone else surprised at the existence of navy snipers? That’s gotta be one of the most awesome positions possible. Not only must they need the skills of a sniper, but they have to shoot off a freaking boat? Insane.

  7. #8 IH8Socialist

    the only thing better than making a pirate’s head explode, is making a terrorist head explode

    In the case of Somalia, I’m sure we did.

    Somali pirates are mostly Muslim terrorists who enjoy boating.

    Perhaps Frank could create a screenplay for “Pissants Pirates of the Indian Ocean—The Curse of High Velocity Lead Poisoning.” Set sail with the zany, madcap Captain Jack Mohammed and the crew of the Raging Pedophile as they gutlessly attack unarmed merchant ships until they pick on the wrong one. As their bodies float to the bottom, Davy Jones is heard saying, “Well, there goes the neighborhood”…. It’s high seas hi jinx for the whole family!

    #13 AR

    Not only must they need the skills of a sniper, but they have to shoot off a freaking boat? Insane.

    Yeah, I considered that the seas would have to be calm in order for the SEALs to take out all of the perps at once. Gauging the wind would be more problematic too. It was impressive.

    Finally, my tax dollars at work providing a true service to the world at-large.

  8. Somali ‘pirates’ are just thugs of Somali Warlords aboard boats. Not enough income from kidnapping on land, so they extend their ‘territory’ to the surrounding sea. Just like airline pilots weren’t allowed firearms, civilian/commercial vessels aren’t allowed weapons to kill ‘pirates’. Easy pickens until Navy SEALS are allowed to take them out. Somalia is the new Barbary Coast of Africa until someone grows a pair and allows U.S. Marine troops to take the gloves off( Rules of engagement? We don’t need no stinkin’ rules of engagement.) Iraq and Afghanistan are ‘police actions’, no place for real soldiers, send in the UN(minus U.S. troops)

  9. One would think that the “exploding head” thing could be taken care of with a frangible 150gr .308? Something along the varmint style bullets… The snipers could push them as a safety thing – less chance of ricochet!

  10. The baby pirates were teenagers.
    World opinion will shift to sympathy for the gun wielding little bastards.

    Just watch.

    As for me, I’d like to see the “Prisoners Formerly Known As ‘Enemy Combatants’ ” at Gitmo
    and the “Friends with Problems” still gunning for our troops in Iraq and Afghanistan
    re-named as-
    “Land Pirates”.

    Lock and load.

  11. “‘Every country will be treated the way it treats us,’ said Abdullahi Lami, one of the pirates holding a Greek ship anchored in the pirate den of Gaan, a central Somali town.”

    Oooookay. Maybe everyone should treat them as the Somali pirates treat the rest of the world. From now on, every Somali ship that goes more than 1 mile off the coast should be captured and the crews not returned until a $1 million each ransom is paid. Legit fisherman? Tough. Maybe then we can bleed back the money they have bled from the rest of the world. Don’t like it? Don’t Do it.

  12. #12, while your history is correct, your modern outlook needs a little synasism. Modern england, now there is a country to be proud of and hold up as a role model. The french were given a great opportunity to make something of themselves after WE saved their ass in WW2. They blew it. spain, italy, denmark, austria, and belgium were all given th opportunities to be great nations after WE saved them, but like their surrender mongers in france, they too blew it. Maybe the french once had good people, now they are just a bunch of appeasment cry babies. If the countries of europe had a testicle between them, killing pirates would have been considered sport when the first ship was taken in iran, and again in somalia. Who will take the next european ship? My money is on cuba or venesulea.

  13. #12 – The French you refer to in 1066 were the Normans, who were descended from Viking conquerors that settled in Normandy. The kick-ass Normans are gone from France. Historically, the French had their moments, but most modern day French are rude socialists and we should mock them for fun whenever possible.

  14. Re: Terry_Jim It has already started. ABC Snooze last night had a “news” story about the poor oppressed pirates. They are pirates because the West (meaning the U.S.) have dumped toxic waste into their waters and stole all of the Somali’s fish. This meme first appeared on the liberal blogs and the MSM (same thing) picked it up. I think we need to do some nuclear dumping along the Somali coast. Inshore.

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