Who Is the Better Leader: Barack Obama or Kim Jong Il

I look at the unbiased press in both America and North Korea for answers in my latest Pajamas Media column.


  1. Did you know that Kim Jong Il’s birth at Mount Baekdu Mountain was foretold by a swallow, and heralded by the appearance of a double rainbow over the mountain and a new star in the heavens? Beat that, Bambi.

  2. You know the only way to settle this debate would be to send Obama over to North Korea and have a steel cage death match. Whatever happens, the U.S. world wins. If we’re really lucky they’d both somehow manage to kill eachother – maybe they could slap eachother to death.

  3. tbone, Don’t count hObama out for a 3rd term. After all, since he is basically taking The Constitution as a very loose set of weak suggestions, he doesn’t have to worry about that pesky term limit thing.

    So remember, get all your papers and smile at the sky. Yeah, I know that the hypnotized never lie.

  4. My entire understanding of KJI was what I learned from Team America. Obama was not in that movie, therefore I think the big O might be able to take him in a cage match. After all, if the American puppets can take down the Norks, why not an American puppetmaster?

  5. Such a great speech!! it gave me goosebumps it was great to see the people waving the American flag.Great good President Frank J. You Make Us Proud

    Prersident Frank J. 2012!!!!

    (h/t loveobamas from Huffpo)

  6. Obviously Frank did not read the teleprompter that said that one is greatest. the horhay soros said so , so teleprompter put it on. That one is a sorry excuse for a human, and is no leader, so kimmy the ill wins that. That one is a more ruthless commie than the short dude, so that one wins that. So all in all, I call it a draw. Both could die and the world would be a better place. But the short dude is not raising my taxes, so that one can win that.

  7. Master of Puppets, George Soros, proclaims this comparison a draw. Losers: USA and N. Korea, except we have further to fall. Winners: George Soros, and people with a sense of humor.

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