Who Really Is Obama?

My latest Pajamas Media Column is up. I exposing a shocking truth about the Obama administration.


  1. So this is a movie? Whew I’m releaved. Just waiting for the credits to roll. I’d buy the soundtrack. I’ll bet it has a rap version on Funky Town. OverallI have to give this film a thumbs down. But Joe Biden did give a convincing performance as the idiotic VP. Roll credits and fade to black…oops is that racist?

  2. Obama can get away with making miniscule cuts as “symbalism” because the traitorous left wing press lets him get away with it. They don’t need to defend it. They just ignore it as if it didn’t happen. For most Democrats and young people, that means it never happened!

    The majority of college educated Americans don’t care about truth. Justifying their world view is what they want. The rest of America seems to say “dah…OK”.

  3. Hey Marvin, don’t get down on people who get high! This administration is specializing in nominating cabinet level nominees who obviously enjoy smoking a spleef on the reef. That and not paying taxes.

  4. Borat O-bah-muhh, the lemur king of Madagascar,”What is a simple bite on the butt among friends? Come on, give me a nibble.” ‘All Hail the New York Giants!” “Welcome giant pansies. Please feel free to bask in my glow.”

  5. I’ve said it before months ago here and I’ll say it again.

    “Hello! My name Borack. I like you. I like sex. Is niiiice.”

    This would certainly explain why he is pain in my @ssholes.

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