Why Do They Plunder Us?

My new PJM column is up, and it takes an introspective look at the motivations of pirates.


  1. You mentioned software piracy. Don’t forget the biggest corporate pirate in the world, Microsoft, with a 30-year history of raiding companies, stealing patents, breaching contracts, copying others’ works and claiming they invented them, etc. Argh!

  2. When asked why he robbed the bank, the bankrobber replied,” Because it’s where the money is.”>>>DUHH!>>>When asked why they plunder ships, the pirate replies,”Because it’s where the plunder is.”>>>And if they were after booty they’d just become porn stars. Captain Stabbin’ approaches ramming speed. Oh no!>>> The Coxswain is a C_cksman.>>>West Hollywood is filled with plundered booty, so says Bawny Fwank the Wank.>>>Back on topic, ‘pirates’ is a misnomer for these nautical foot soldiers of Jihad. Better to call them privateers,sanctioned by the ruling Moolahs to pay for jihady terrorism worldwide. Good thing Our Esteemed Effete Pirate O-bah-muhh has resolved to halt the rise of Privacy in that region. I feel safer, just knowing how effete his resolve is.

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