You Come for Cheney, Cheney Will Come for You

If the Obama administration decides to prosecute people from the Bush administration, I hope Cheney marches to the White House and shouts, “You want me! Come out here and get me!” And then he’ll grab the gate and shake it while growling as Obama flees to an underground shelter. And then the snipers will open fire on Cheney, but that won’t stop him.

Because he’s made of metal.


  1. Knowing Cheney, he’ll probably have his Assassination Squad laying in wait, 700 or 800 yards away, hoping the white house snipers open fire on him so he can then take them all out, march in, and declare himself Emperor and High King Death. Then, he’ll just sit back, drink a beer or two, and start torturing people again.

  2. Cheney is Colossus? Sweet. I am starting to wonder if Obama really is Obama. I mean he could be Sylar after all. Speaking of which… I’ve been really happy with this chapter of Heroes, there’s tons of just below the surface Obama bashing. It’s glorious really.

  3. I’m gonna have to disagree with you a bit, Frank. If the snipers were hired by Obama, they’d first have to go to the U.N. and try to get their permission to fire on Cheney and then they’d have to wait until Cheney ignored 15 or 16 U.N. resolutions and after that, if they decided to fire on him, they’d have to take the risk of being labeled as “go it alone cowboys” by the MSM for ignoring the will of the U.N.

    Of course, by the time it got to that point, Cheney would have long since destroyed the snipers and the U.N. and whatever else he damn well pleased so all of the previous is pretty much moot.

  4. I haven’t followed every detail of this Cheney/CIA flap.

    But IMO Cheney realized that O and the Dems would selectively leak anything that could possibly reflect badly upon him or Bush. And probably in a trickle designed to conveniently hurt at specific times.

    So Cheney wisely said “put it all out.” The good, the bad, and the ugly. He would be no worse off, it was coming out anyway.

    This tossed the ball back to Obama, who is a very good ball player, and who will probably just continue his tactics of trickle, imply, and maximize harm over time.

    As of this morning I think this is the status of the four people in Congress who were briefed:

    One doesn’t remember anything; One doesn’t remember hearing any meaningful parts; One won’t comment; And One hasn’t been reached for comment.

    The one who refused to comment is right. Plenty of time to speak later.

  5. Cheney in a COUP – for the win!

    I’d sleep a hell of a lot easier at night if that came true. I’d also accept the following in Cheney’s place (no particular order):

    Karl Rove
    Donald Rumsfeld
    Fred Thompson
    Duncan Hunter
    John Bolton
    George W. Bush

    Hell, you could even dust-off Alan Simpson and I’d crack the Scotch!

  6. Gen. 1:1 In the beginning God created the heavens and the earth. Now the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light. God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “Dick Cheney.”

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