Dueling Headlines


Initial Jobless Claims Drop Unexpectedly

Fox Business:

Initial Jobless Claims Fall 13,000 As Expected

AP used analysts from the Labor Department, while Fox used a survey of economists taken by MarketWatch.

Private Sector wins again.


  1. The AP is the propaganda wing of the Democratic party. When the Fascists are in charge the numbers are always better than expected. When conservatives are in power the numbers are always worse than expected.

    Notice how they try to make 626,000 lost jobs as “good”. And Obama’s depression marches on. So where is the stimulus?

  2. Technically, hasn’t the TOTUS saved every job that still exists with his super-genius, godlike Messiah powers? That’s what the alphabet networks keep telling me. Maybe I should send him a nice gift. Something with Almonds in it. Why Almonds… well,I’m not saying. After that last waterboarding, I’ve learned to be more circumspect.

  3. Oi ap propagandists are stupid. Of course the number of initial unemploymnet claims have dropped. There are only so many jobs, as the majority are out of wrok, initial claims fall. Duh. Its like emptying a glass, after a while the torent becomes a trickle. there is no new water, but the flow slows. That ohbahmaa can only devestate the economy so much, before there is nothing left.
    Next they will be cheering on how raising taxes raises revenue.

  4. Because the Labor Department is at LEAST 6 Months Behind The Curve. MarketWatch is watching, even anticipating, the market minute to minute. With that in mind , let’s turn our healthcare over to the government. God help us.

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