
Jeffrey Goldberg in a post about Iran mentions a story I hadn’t heard before. In the Iran-Iraq war, Iran was completely outmatched, so it was Ayatollah Khomeini’s idea to send their children to the front lines to march across minefields and clear them. Is it really fair to classify people who come up with an implement ideas like this as human? That’s the sort of thing that make me want to take the “torture” techniques the liberals are always whining about, find something much worse, and do it to Iranian leaders with no expectations of getting any information.

Why doesn’t the media focus more on stories like this of who we’re dealing with? Is it afraid then we’d all be demanding blood, because, yeah, that’s pretty true.


  1. Not only that, but they revised the practice of pressing into service. They “Kommitehs” would roam the streets in vans and trucks and grab youths and group of youths off the streets, drafting them into the Revolutionary Guards and sending them to the front.

  2. “Why doesn’t the media focus more on stories like this of who we’re dealing with?”

    I ask myself that question whenever the ‘torture’ debate is raised. One does not need to go back to the Iran-Iraq war to hear these sort of stories. Al Queada in Iraq was doing horrible things in 2007-08.

    Other than a few sound voices – like Yon or Totten, for example – the press is pathetic. Everything is about the reporters’ and editors’ pre-written narrative.

  3. Screw torture or any thing worse. Coat our bullets in pig’s blood again and put the fear of Hell in them. Doesn’t really matter since they’re going there any way unless they turn to the real God. But that kind of evil needs to be removed from the race. It’s a cancer. Any one that far gone has most likely completely hardened their heart to God. If that’s the case get rid of them. Nothing we can do to them here on Earth will be as bad as what they’ll experience in Hell.

  4. Um, fourth?

    I am glad you bring this up front and center. While the head Ayatollah comes and goes, the absolute disconnect between how we think about human life and how islamofascists think about human life is something most Americans Just.Don’t.Get. Find a friend who has spent considerable time in such a country, someone who actually went out and lived among the locals, and you are likely to get some eye-opening stories.

    If you have a teenager, or a tweenager even, think about the passions and obsessions lavished on the Jonas Brothers or on who did what on Idol. Add to that structured indoctrination and every component of your life being controlled by that obsession. (That is what happens in a theocracy. Want to upgrade your cell phone, better ask the Imam whether you can get that texting plan or not.) Now you get the slightest hint of what we are dealing with here. Many of those kids were excited because they were on their way to meet the Prophet.

    We just cannot comprehend the homicide bombings where people willingly blow themselves up, and I fear that is a severe detriment to our long term survival. Know thy enemy.

    Compare that to North Korea and Iraq, where the folks are doing/did Great Leader’s bidding out of fear of what Great Leader would do to them and their family and their preschool class if they failed to do it, in the theocracies folks are doing it out of love and reverance. Tyrants come and go, and the people recover. Theocratic tyrants are far scarier imao.

  5. Liberal bias in the press? Nah. Never. Liberals hating their own country? Nah. Never. By the way, am I only one who got a chuckle out of Reddy Teddy Kennedy complaining about waterboarding? In the liberal’s eyes, I guess it’skay to gas, raoe, behead,and shred people as long as you are against the U.S.

  6. Yup. Heard stories like this years ago. Other children were given a Koran as an “arm” and sent towards the machine gun nests. The hope was that the Iraqis would run out of ammo eventually.

    But, hey, they honored them in Teheran by building a fountain which “ran red with the blood of the Martyrs.”

  7. To storm1911: Huh. Hadn’t thought of that. So according to Ted Kennedy it’s perfectly acceptable to drown your mistress but it’s not ok to make terrorists think they’re drowning. Ted Kennedy is a misogynist. According to him it’s ok to murder a woman by drowning her but make a male terrorist uncomfortable and that’s terrible. Sexist pig.

  8. And with that the Democrats and Liberal want us to believe that the government of IMAWHACKJOB, is to “rational” to use a nuclear weapon against the West or Israel if (more like when) they get one!

    Kind of makes me wonder why all the talks shows out there are concentrating on the nomination of Sonia Sotomayor to the Supreme Court while ignoring the fact that, on Memorial Day no less, North Korea test detonated a nuclear bomb that was on par with the one we used on Nagasaki.

  9. To paraphrase Jeffrey Goldberg’s words, ” A PEOPLE that could murder it’s own children in such a horrible way is capable of absolutely anything.” Sounds like ABORTION to me. INHUMAN indeed.

  10. Everytime I see that Assajidimanutjob on the news all I see is pure evil. Look at the dudes eyes he’s nuts. He’s the type of guy that would put a baby in a blender for fun.

  11. If these children had not reached the age to vote for a Democrat, I don’t believe they have actually been classified by science as “viable” so what is the problem anyway? It’s either this or throw them in the garbage when they are born per Barry…

  12. Hmmmm.. thought it was common knowledge myself. They were used in all kinds of “non-conventional” ways. Clear minefields, act as intial wave of bullet catchers in a human wave assault, enter known artillery zones as a method of depleting the enemies munitions, etc. etc.

    Maybe its time for Ed to produce a “Know thy Enemy: Iran” feature the research may do em good.

  13. Bumper sticker I saw yesterday:
    “God bless our troops; especially our snipers.”

    Niccolo Machiavelli, The Prince, 1532
    “Among other evils which being unarmed brings you, it causes you to be despised.”

    Any volunteers for o’s civilian militia?

  14. In europe and america
    theres a growing feeling of hysteria
    Conditioned to respond to all the threats
    In the rhetorical speeches of the soviets
    Mr. krushchev said we will bury you
    I dont subscribe to this point of view
    It would be such an ignorant thing to do
    If the russians love their children too

    How can I save my little boy from oppenheimers deadly toy
    There is no monopoly in common sense
    On either side of the political fence
    We share the same biology
    Regardless of ideology
    Believe me when I say to you
    I hope the russians love their children too

    There is no historical precedent
    To put the words in the mouth of the president
    Theres no such thing as a winnable war
    Its a lie that we dont believe anymore
    Mr. reagan says we will protect you
    I dont subscribe to this point of view
    Believe me when I say to you
    I hope the russians love their children too

    We share the same biology
    Regardless of ideology
    What might save us, me, and you
    Is that the russians love their children too

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