Obama vs. Obama

April 30th, 2009, during his 100th Day speech:

“a Recovery Act that has already saved or created over 150,000 jobs”

May 27th 2009, during his 100th day of the Recovery Act speech:

“the American Recovery and Reinvestment Act has saved or created nearly 150,000 jobs”

[all emphasis mine]

So, in the last 4 weeks, not only has the Stimulus Package NOT created (or saved, which I can’t fathom how they’d calculate) one single new job, it now appears to be actively destroying jobs, since the number went from OVER to NEARLY 150,000.

Obama’s new Cyber Czar should mention to him that the days of Pravda are gone, and that the Internet Archives have replaced the Memory Hole.


  1. So, what next will O’scheise do to distract us from such statements. I suspect he will take a page from one of his idols, and declare himself to have won a glorious victory, one that was actually won by Erwin Rommel and the Afrika Korps the U.S. Military.

  2. That classless disgrace in the White House is a memory hole. It specializes in propaganda that will destroy our good society. The Soviet Union will have had it better than with this twit. That one is not bright enough to realize that what soros is shoveling is just the destruction of the U.S. Commies don’t create, they subjegate, destroy and coerce.
    That one is too stupid to realize the world laughs at him, so he continues to make biden look smart.
    The next lie will be how that one will save the American automobile industry.

    Oh and yeah… First!

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