O’Reilly Smears Hot Air

I agree with Ed; if you can’t tell a blog post from a comment, you have no place talking about opinions on the internet.

Michelle Malkin reportedly is pissed. Hopefully they’ll correct this. If you attack one blog, you attack us all… unless it’s like Sullivan or Charles Johnson. And obviously pretty much everyone on the left doesn’t count either, but you know what I mean.


  1. Frank, I thought the comment taken from HA was pretty tame.
    (Have you ever seen bigger drama queens than allahpundit & michellemalkin?)

    [It was moronic and not something they’d want associated with them. -Ed.]

  2. O’Reilly is an embarrassment. Jimmy summed it up pretty well. He’s wrong on almost every issue, and for a supposed conservative he tends to side with (and “give the benefit of the doubt to”) the left at every possible opportunity.

    I still remember him being irate when his guest was a 10-year-old kid who lost a schoolyard fight with another 10-year-old kid and in the process broke his arm. O’Reilly was adamant that the 10-year-old needed to hire an attorney and sue the other 10-year-old boy over this schoolyard fight. Typical O’Reilly, what a girly man.

  3. His problem is that he is as moderate as Mclame and look what happened to him!
    Soon O’really? will fade but not soon enough for me. My opinion is he thinks he stands just far enough to the right to avoid the nooses that are coming for the leftist propagandists during A.R. II(American Revolution 2.0).
    Maybe—maybe not!
    I cant believe for one minute that I am the only American that has had my fill of the govt employees(senators,representatives, governors et al) that seem to think they are some kind of ARISTOCRACY!
    Time to clean house and start over!

  4. Oh, boo-frakkin’-hoo! Fer gawd’s sake, O’Reilly is a nudge that is true but Malkin whining about anything is in the same league as Charles Johnson @ LGF and his pissin’ and moanin’. Who cares? Any blog that does not allow open comments should get the frak off of the innertubes ‘cuz they do not get what it is about. Namely free, open discourse and let the slings and arrows fall where they may.

    They are just whiners in echo chambers.

    [Have you ever seen a blog with really high traffic and no moderation on the comments? It’s all completely useless troll idiots. No one with anything useful to say would comment because it would get drowned out by all the moron. If that’s “free, open discourse” then free, open discourse is as worthwhile as a pile of dog crap. -Ed.]

  5. I remember last summer, O’Reilly was talking about gas prices with Cavuto. No common sense from O’Reilly, of course, just rage and hysterics against the evil capitalists. You could see Cavuto getting more and more annoyed until he finally said something like “Bill, you shouldn’t be talking about this if you know nothing about economics.”

    That’s the last time I’ve paid the slightest bit of attention to O’Reilly. Remember to punch any liberal who calls him a conservative.

  6. Now Michelle Malkin, on the other hand, is a pure-hearted, intellectually honest, consistent conservative of the highest rank. And she makes me drop my beer whereas Mary Katherine Ham just makes my shoes spontaneously untie themselves.

  7. I don’t agree. I can’t stand Malkin or O’Reilly.

    I prefer the Dr. Mike Adams’ and Frank J’s to the Malkin’s and the Coulter’s, and the Cavutos and Megan Kelly’s to the O’Reilly’s and the Hannity’s.

    I find the priors have little to no sense of humor or joy.

  8. Ringmaster…GASP!!! You need to go stick your wiener into the nearest light socket quick! Come back after and we will “re-program” you around Malkin! She is our conservative babe! Our heart-throb! Next to Sarah Palin she is the only woman out there actually articulating conservative principles right now.

  9. BOR has been reaching lately. Seems he’s looking for things he can sensationalize. My theory: He’s threatened by Beck’s immediate success of Fox. Although he’s always been pompous, he’s been more so lately. And he defends Obama way too often. I’ve taken him off my DVR list.

  10. BOR’s foundation is built upon the squishy,mucky middle. Kind of like the wheel rut in a dirt road after a storm. Glen Beck, built upon the rock. Michelle Malkin, built upon the rock. Others are tried and true also,with differences in approach, focus, and style. Agree with editoring and moderating of commenters to blogs, sifting thru garbage is not what most blog readers want to do, or have time for. I click away from most blogs that degenerate into back and forth poo flinging. I tip my cap in Frank J.’s direction. While I read many blogs, I comment in IMAO only.

  11. Ok, here’s my take – take it or leave it, or take it.

    I appreciate what Hannity does for the families of the fallen, but outside of that, I don’t like country music, I don’t like religious commentary in every segment, and IMO Sean Hannity is a simpleton and doesn’t really add much to the conservative voice. At times, I’ve even considered him to be working for the dark side. Sean, get some rockers. Keep your religion to yourself a little more. You serve to perpetuate Conservatives as “Evangelical Conservatives’ and all those other abstracts that the Libs have attached to us. Conservatives are interested in small government and the constitution. Period.
    PS- 12 + minute commercial breaks !?!?!?!?!? followed by 60 seconds of Sean followed by another long commercial break ?!?!?!?!?

    PSS – Everyone is selling a book. Turn off.

    I simply don’t like Laura Ingram at all. Don’t like the voice or the attitude. Sue me.

    I don’t like Rush Limbaugh even though I laugh at his jokes because he alienates way too many people. 100% of blacks Hate him with a passion. And he gets way too far into the innerds of the transmission of the political machine. I don’t want to spend much of my life hearing about Reid, Pelosi, Clinton, et al. Who would for God’s sake. Rush, just talk about the benefits of conservatism and stop making us look at the ugly every second of your program. I realize you are an entertainer, but isn’t there a way to entertain blacks and women and young people along with the rest of us?
    The republican party relies on the educated and people of experience. That’s not what elections are about at all thee days.

    FoxNews – Just don’t really care for any of it. Too gimmicky if I have to put a label on it. Annoying. Seriously. And the articles I read on the web are skin and bone compared to their competition. Poor writing. Short on content. Sorry guys.

    Michael Savage – I think he’s mostly correct in his assessments, but no doubt alienates many.

    Glenn Beck – Way too heavy on the religion and the anti-Gay stuff. Way too heavy on the sounds effects and all that nonsense stuff. Also a bit of a simpleton in terms of making points. Our enemy is Stupid. That’s who you reach.

    Willie Cunningham – basically a red state shock jock.

    Coulter. Book Seller.

    Michael Medved. I have not heard him because he’s not locally reproduced but I hear good things about him.

    These are the top of the food chain as far as I know and I think they are all a net negative to the conservative cause. Rush and Michael are very intelligent but it seems the more intelligent they are, the more they alienate. In particular because of their arrogant radio persona.
    At times, one gets the idea people have give Michael a friggin tongue bath just to get a word in edgewise on his show before he cuts you off and goes into some rant.. Screw that.

    I’ll tell you who I do like and it’s not because I always agree with him. I don’t. Mike McConnell. Local Cincinnati WLW700 during the week, National on Saturdays. Talks common sense and cuts All the rest of the crap out of the program. And decently short commercial breaks.

    Bottom Line, the visible part of the conservative population is represented by very abrasive alienating people. Net negative.

    I do like Newt Gingrich. Very articulate. Not alienating. Hits the nail on the head every time ! Go Newt Go !

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