Random Thoughts

If North Korea nukes someone all because I made fun of their Dongs, I’m sorta sorry.

Obama better put some really good music on the iPod he gives Kim Jong Il if he wants to diffuse this crisis.

It would be neat if instead of an invisibility cloak there was an invisibility snuggie because that’s the only way I’d wear one.

I just don’t like the way Sotomayor ends all her written opinions with “Take that, whitey!”

If terrorists had tails and we cut them off to see if they grow back, I bet liberals would yell at us. I hate liberals!


  1. “It would be neat if instead of an invisibility cloak there was an invisibility snuggie because that’s the only way I’d wear one.”

    So you want to be invisible from the front, but leave your back and butt visible?

    I guess SOME reasons are better left unexplored.

  2. Frank is on Twitter? I knew he was cool, and all up on the latest things, but this is beyond my wildest expectations. I wish I could figure out how to do Twitter, so I could be more like Frank. It just seems so complicated.

    Well, at least he posts things like this here instead of on Twitter.

  3. This wisdom is unprecedented. Also, undocumented – except in the random noise of the Internet. It seems somewhat random, as well. Are these Twitter utterances, by any chance?

    (I tried posting this a few minutes ago and got clobbered. Frank, we love your Random Thoughts, you know that. And we hate you, too. ♥)

  4. So when you tell someone that you “Twitter” must one also “nance”, like if it’s two guys meeting on the street do you kind of skip towards each other as you fan your cheeks with your fingers and exclaim “I Twitter”!!! Then do you both jump up and down, give each other air kisses and squeal with glee?

    I’m just trying to paint the mental image for myself here… Thanks in advance for any help you can give me. Sorry, but I’m old school I guess…

  5. It would be neat if instead of an invisibility cloak there was an invisibility snuggie because that’s the only way I’d wear one.

    Snuggies are just backwards house coats. It was inveted by accident when a liberal put the house coat on backwards (since liberals are dumb and can’t dress themself right) and another liberal saw it and said that was the coolest thing ever. A capitalist over heard this then marketed the backwards house coats as the snuggie and then made a ton of money selling it .

  6. If the NorKs nuke someone because they found out Li’l Kim is a Hollywood Ho, O-bah-muhh will apologize…to KimJong-Il.>>>May I suggest something from Star Wars to soothe Kim Jong-Il. The Imperial March, or The Emperor’s Theme might do it.>>>The Soweto Mayor says,”Kumuua Wazungo!”>>> Are you suggesting terizts are Lizard People, Frank?

  7. In Texas we know what “snuggies” are but you wouldn’t find one of our cowboys unrolling one of them out of his pack. I’ve heard rumor that they make a twittering sound when someone put one on.

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