Random Thoughts

It’s kinda nice to pay a ton in taxes to have something real to complain about instead of being a hippie and whining about nothing.

Michelle Obama just thinks she’s too good to wrap her feet in duct tape like the rest of us.

If we settled Constitutional disputes with fist fights, would that makes things more or less arbitrary than they are now?

My idea for a Supreme Court Nominee: A toaster. But not just any toaster. An originalist toaster.

With all these people wearing facemasks, it’s going to be harder to spot a ninja in a crowd.

Is there anything in the Constitution that says we can’t replace Obama’s nominee with an identical robot?

We really need judicial sleeper agents who do only liberal decisions in hopes of one day being nominated to the Court by a Democrat… or did the Democrats already use that idea when they tricked Bush I into nominating Souter?

Think of it, years from now we’ll be looked upon as the reasonable Republicans, unlike the crazy radicals of 2050!

Are they ever going to make a sequel to Patton?


  1. Actually, they already made a sequel. It is called “The Last Day’s of Patton.” Wasn’t as good, but it does have George C. Scott.

    I think they should do a remake with R. Lee Ernie.

  2. “Are they ever going to make a sequel to Patton?” You are kidding, right Frank? In today’s culture of Hollywood, Patton would be portrayed as a homosexual, cross-dressing secret lover of George Marshall who only slapped that soldier because of his frustration for not being able to come out of the closet! The entire move would be about him having sex with his black male aide! The tank would be nothing but symbolic of the male genatalia…

  3. #3, that is why it is up to us to shoot the remake ourselves. I bet if we all got together, we have enough heirloom uniforms, weapons, tanks, fighter aircraft, and miscellaneous military surplus to make a really convincing movie. I mean as Right-Wing extremist, we are saving all that stuff for the eventual second civil war, but that could take a couple of years, so we might as well make a movie in the mean time.

    I bet if we should up at a movie studio with all our props, they would just hand the place over to us.

  4. “Michelle Obama just thinks she’s too good to wrap her feet in duct tape like the rest of us.”
    Frank you are just so much White Trash. I use a base of athletic tape on my Kmart Kickers and then as the seasons change I cover with different colors of electrical tape to suit my mood. I am able to pass the saving on to the “Support the Unwashed Hippies Fund”.

  5. “Think of it, years from now we’ll be looked upon as the reasonable Republicans, unlike the crazy radicals of 2050!”

    In 2050, there won’t be such a thing as a “Republican.” Currently, we’ve got Jeb Bush(?) out educating the public as to what a Republican supposedly is…trashing Reagan along the way, as his father and brother did such a wonderful job destroying the Republican party and conservative movement. Meanwhile, John McCain is warming up in the wings to join this Republican suicide tour, to further trash conservatives and continue the damage he did on the campaign trail (and, of course, during his too many years in the senate). Wow, actually – come to think of it – there’s no Republican party now.

  6. “Last Days of Patton” was wretched. But it did have George C. Scott to salvage what could be salvage. The original Patton soundtrack was used in a made-for-TV movie called “Fireball Forward” Bad beyond belief.

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