Steven Crowder Announcement!

Steven Crowder has an announcement and reads some hate mail.

BTW, I’m the large Mexican who wrote him.


  1. So Frank, IF that is your name, you’re a large Mexican. OR is it Fernando? and I’ll bet the J stands for something like Jacinto! So Speedy you got el green cardo? Just trying to jump on the Sottomotto band wagon? I’m sure I’m a racist now.

  2. Pingback: Crowder Reads Hate Mail « SCAAC

  3. So, I had to go look up the thing about Bronson being a Mexican, and I came across this little tidbit:

    His family was so poor that, at one time, he reportedly had to wear his sister’s dress to school because he had nothing else to wear.

    If true, that was one tough mofo.

  4. How can anyone disrespect a religion centered around a beer volcano? Pastafarianism is protected under the 1st Amendment and by the regulations of the ABC board. Besides, what other religion can boast a deity that is tasty with meat sauce?

  5. Damned video freezes and stops loading after 30 seconds. Did the Embed here, the Embed on Crowder’s page, the direct link and even tried in IE. YouTube hates me. I need a Crowder fix. That Canadian Bastitch is funny as Pelosi after her face lift sutures fail.

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