The Unthinkable

Jonah Goldberg thought it would be an interesting plot for a novel would be the repercussion if there was a nuclear strike and a liberal president refused to retaliate. My guess on what would happen is that Obama would eventually find himself tied to a nuclear missile heading for the enemy.

I hope its basic policy that a nation can’t nuke us or an ally without totally getting nuked the crap out of it. That would be hugely bad precedent if an enemy could get away with a nuclear attack without the direst of consequences. I bet even Obama knows that. Which is why if he wants to stop a nuclear holocaust, he better grow a pair and start dealing harshly with Iran and North Korea now.


  1. The thing I could never understand about “peace” protesters and pacifists is there total opposition to defensive weapons. Like making laws against body armor and cutting R&D funding for SDI.

    Can someone explain to me how intercepting a nuclear tipped ICBM from reaching it’s target is warmongering?

  2. I could write that novel.

    Liberal president refuses to respond to threat, military forces him out of office, sends him and friends to Alaska timber industry, begins restoration of Constitutional governing. Hooray!

  3. They’d probably test us with a small attack.

    I’ve held out hope that since Obama retained Gates, he recognizes he’s clueless about defense and just defers to the experts at the Pentagon.

  4. I can just see this happening. We’ll know that Iran has the nuke when they, with all the tears of an alligator farm, report them “stolen” by “unknown extremist groups” (most certainly tied to those damnable JOOOOOS!). They’ll “cooperate” with investigative agencies fully – and why not? Straight-up “retaliate” on Israel when some US city goes up in a cloud of smoke with a nuke that has all of the mullah council’s fingerprints on.

    >Can someone explain to me how intercepting a nuclear tipped ICBM from reaching it’s target is warmongering?

    You have to stop thinking (or think like a liberal, but I repeat myself). It’s warmongering because the only reason anyone would ever attack anyone else is because the latter has done something to attempt to defend themselves, thus implicitly considering the former an evil aggressor, thus turning said former into what the latter most feared!

  5. In this clip, via Newsy, Abraham Denmark, an East Asia expert, states: “Militarily the North Koreans – qualitatively – are very poor. Most of their equipment is very outdated… their soldiers are malnourished and not very well trained. But what they lack qualitatively, they make up for quantitatively. North Korea has over a million soldiers.”

    North Korea is an impoverished, seemingly military-obsessed nation.

  6. This would be pretty much like Clinton’s maladministration: the same aggressors, but this time with nukes. How many times were Americans attacked here & abroad while he played “hide the cigar”?

    But in reality, you gotta hand it to the progressive resolve. Should Goldberg’s scenario become reality, they’re going to roll up their frilly sleeves and really tell our enemies off, just as soon as they’re done going after the taxpayers, business & foreign policy here at home. Maybe even right after another attack, instead of the standard 6 year response time.

    Why, Obama could really tick them off by hosting lavish dinner receptions for their leadership at the White People’s House like Slick Willy did. That’ll show ’em.

  7. Each member of the U.S. military swears an oath to protect the United States against all enemies, foreign and domestic. Elected officials swear to uphold the Constitution and faithfully discharge their duties,”…so help me God.” The mechanisms of law are in place to remove the President from Office, IF those who swore oaths to Constitution and the United States will only carry it out ,if necessary. So HELP US God!

  8. If someone nukes us, one of our intrest, or allies you can bet O will respond. He’ll respond by bowing, shaking there hand, give them rainbow colored unicorn farts, hugs, kisses, DVD’s, I-pods, a signed copy of his book, a great big thank you, and then aplogize for us being in the way of their nuke.

  9. “Liberal president refuses to respond to threat, military forces him out of office, sends him and friends to Alaska timber industry, begins restoration of Constitutional governing. Hooray!”

    I think Alaska would be too nice… I say we ship him and Nancy Pelosi and friends to Soviet Canada!

  10. He’ll respond! Don’t worry! Hans Brix will scurry to the UN for the drafting of a Really Really Really harsh memo which will be double spaced for emphasis this time. N Korea and Iran will also be placed on Double Secret Probation by the UN and Barry!!! That will take care of the crisis! Now on to a VAT Tax!!!

  11. First, I just wanna say, that lately, I feel like DE is reading my thoughts and is way out in front of what I write.

    And ussjimmycarter: “…double spaced for emphasis this time.” LOL.

  12. The Norks really don’t have anything to lose and that’s what makes them scary.

    I say starve ’em out.

    The Japanese Navy can handle whatever Kim decides to throw around.

    F*ck ’em all. War sucks.

  13. I was disappointed we didn’t respond with nukes after 9-11.
    Isn’t that why we supposedly have them… as a deterrent ?
    That was the day they called our bluff and it’s been all downhill since then.

  14. I, uh, don’t think that’s much of a good idea for a novel. Republican majority after next election season, followed by a very brutal, very quick war. What was left of N. Korea would be re-integrated with S. Korea, missile shield development would become national priority number one.

    I guess it would be interesting to speculate on how it would effect American foreign policy though. Would preemptive warfare become the norm?

  15. Obama has a safe bunker. He would not want to murder 200 to 1000 million more people by retaliating (depending on who attacks us). He would see it as compassionate to not retaliate. After all, war isn’t the answer. He could negotiate a new peace from his bunker. After all, America has brought a nuclear attck on itself.

  16. Nunya,

    Even though I hate Dhimmicrats with a passion, I was pragmatic enough to know Hillary would have at least interjected a modicum more sanity to the POTUS position that hObama.

    4 of 7,

    Let’s just say that despite my many flaws and innumerable sins, I’ve been taking numerous showers in the Blood of the Lamb of late and fervently entreating The Almighty for the return of Sanity.

  17. Desert Elephant,
    Amen! You and me both, brother!

    About .025 second after I submitted that last comment (#24) I thought it might sound a bit too goody-goody, like I’d thought I was the only one praying.
    If I offended, ‘Oops! Sorry!’
    What I meant was that it’s an encouraging sign –
    a spontaneous, unplanned plea for God’s intervention at one’s sudden realization of the enormity of a problem beyond one’s strength is an indication of clarity of vision –
    We Always need God, but when things are going good we tend to overlook it!

    “If my people, who are called by my name, will humble themselves and pray and seek my face and turn from their wicked ways, then will I hear from heaven and will forgive their sin and will heal their land.”

    II Chronicles 7:14

    It’s better to cry, “God help us!” than, “Game over, man! Game over!”

  18. Would Obama nuke Pyongyang if the Norks nuked Seoul?

    No, but Seoul would.

    Would he nuke Iran if LA were in ruins at Iranian hands?

    No, but he’d go to the UN for a strongly worded resolution and issue a strongly-worded apology for the US supporting the Shah.

    Would the public demand his impeachment?

    We’d never know because it would be ignored at the WH press briefings, and the MSM would ignore the public demands.

    Would the Congress declare war and force his hand?

    THIS Congress? ROTFLMAO.

  19. As always, Albert Einstein seems to be a few steps ahead of everyone else in the world.
    The Russell-Einstein Manifesto, published in 1955, describes a possible nuclear attack on New York City.

    How should we react to such an attack?
    The Russell-Einstein Manifesto gives 2 options for responding to such an attack — “Shall we put an end to the human race; or shall mankind renounce war?”

    It’s a dilemma.

    Fortunately, Frank has given us a way out by discovering a third option: nuke the moon.

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