Capitalist Propaganda: “Statement of Purpose”

From 2009, Fox Nation comes out of the closet and lets everyone know exactly what they stand for, with “Statement of Purpose”:

[Fox Nation direct link]

It blows my mind that this video had to me made. There is nothing in here but the safest, most uncontroversial catch-phrases and buzz-words, like :

Constitution; Declaration of Independence; Emancipation Proclamation; community; American Dream Life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness; honor; responsibility; great adventure; our way of life; creativity; ingenuity; work ethic; civility; mutual respect; unity; tolerance; open debate; civil discourse; freedom of thought, expression, and worship; values

This should be a yawner. A no-brainer. Completely and utterly unremarkable.

But it’s not that kind of world.

To paraphrase Nathan Jessep, “Fox News uses these words as the backbone of a life spent defending something. The rest of the news media uses them as a punch line.”

Ideally, ANY news organization – hell, any organization period – should be able to say EXACTLY what Fox Nation said without a second thought, a sense of embarrassment, or the need to use a tone of sneering irony.

But it’s not that kind of world.

We live in the kind of world where an unabashedly American statement like this makes Fox Nation look like some sort of ultra-triple-mythical beast from an alternate universe where the laws of physics and mathematics don’t apply. Fox Nation is a vamwericorn (half vampire, half werewolf, half unicorn), and it’s existence is grotesque and incomprehensible to the liberal media elite and their sycophantic toadies in government and academia.

To hell with them.

I want to live in a Fox Nation kind of world.


Sean G of Too Much Liberty has honored IMAO with the “Too Much Liberty Official Seal of Approval: ‘You know you’d hit that, man'” Award.

As much as we at IMAO enjoy receiving awards, I gotta say that I find that image a little disturbing. I mean, sure, it’s merely implied, and maybe it’s even just photoshopped to look that way, but still…

It’s just CREEPY how Canadian that guy looks.



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Or try the free lolbuilder from I Can Has Cheezburger.

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