It’s Nice When They Tell Us Their Plans

AMERICA: “Hey, Al Qaeda, we were just wondering if you took control of Pakistan, whether you plan to use their nukes against us.”

AL QAEDA: “Oh yeah. Totally.”

AMERICA: “So, if you ever seize power in Pakistan, we have ever reason to nuke you first.”

AL QAEDA: “Yeah, that would be the smart thing.”

AMERICA: “Well, thanks for this frank discussion.”

AL QAEDA: “No problem. Death to you!”

Nixon’s Revenge

So it’s been revealed in newly released tapes that President Nixon advised George H. W. Bush that the GOP needs more hot women.

So basically Sarah Palin is a Nixon plot.

I predict that if she wins the presidency one day, she will then use the magical powers bestowed upon the leader of the free world to resurrect Nixon. Then we will fall under his rule for a thousand years. It will be dark times with better relations with China.

You’ve been warned.

Obama’s Election Victory Lowers White Test Scores

In a study conducted during the 2008 election, Dr. Ray Friedman of Vanderbilt University found that white students received lower scores on standardized tests when they were reminded of McCain’s electoral loss before the test, suggesting that Obama’s presidency is crushing the hopes of young white people.

Run over by the ‘O-train’, these white children squat in the gutter from which they shall never rise.

Friedman said the white students who received lower scores were likely victims of “stereotype threat” — a fear that one’s performance will confirm an existing negative stereotype of a group with which one identifies, resulting in psychological discomfort.

“When McCain fumbled what should’ve been a ‘gimme’ election,” said Friedman, “he was a war hero campaigning during a two-front war against a limp-wristed nancy-boy whose foreign policy experience consisted of being born in Kenya. McCain’s loss created a new color barrier in a very public and important way, robbing white test-takers of their full potential.”

Friedman tested 400 subjects at different phases of the election cycle: before the Democratic convention, and after Obama’s victory in November.

In the first test, the median score for whites was 12.14 of 20. After McCain lost the presidency, whites scored 11.9.

Friedman said that McCain’s influence as a negative role model will damage white children in ways that will be impossible to overcome.

“These stupid white kids have good cause for despair,” said Friedman. “It’s not like they have anyone they can look up to in other walks of life, like music, sports, entertainment, or business. Without a white man as president, they’re doomed to a life of poor test scores and even poorer self-esteem. They might as well start growing a mullet and making a down-payment on a trailer right now, because they don’t have a chance.”

For Future Note

Since the President is a sissy, we can bully him into doing the right thing. Took him more than a week, but he finally condemn the Iranian government. So let’s just keep pushing him on the other stuff we want and eventually he’ll cave.

The Obama presidency could be workable.

Batman Must Have Confided to Biden Where His Secret Headquarters Is

Random Thoughts

New rumor: Sanford went alone into the woods to have congress with the devil. Or for the teddy bear’s picnic.

Obama on Iran: “Those who stand up for justice are always on the right side of history. I’m on the left side.”

Q. How do you get Obama to condemn you on a Friday?
A. Commit an atrocity on Monday.

Got MST3K on DVD. Reminds me of more peaceful times when the worst threat was being trapped in a satellite and forced to watch movies.