Anger at What You Don’t Understand

Ever seen Salon’s “Ask a Wingnut” column? In it, a right-winger tries to calmly explain conservative opinions to liberals. If you look at the comments, though, you can see the problem. Liberals squeal like stuck pigs if even exposed to a counter viewpoint.

I think this one of the big problems of the conservative and liberal divide. Conservatives in general are much more capable of dealing with opposing viewpoints. We have to be. We’re constantly bombarded with liberal talking points in the news, TV shows, movies, and music. And liberal opinions are not completely foreign to us. You take a conservative and remove some values like honor and responsibility, and you get to a liberal. Since their values are a subset of our own, we can understand them.

But with liberals, they understand conservative opinions about as well as the monkeys in 2001 understood the obelisk. They shriek and get angry and want to smash it with blunt things. They try to reduce conservative opinions down to their own myopic values, but when unable they just conclude that conservative must be stupid and evil since liberals are incapable of understanding them.

So next time a liberal freaks out, try and understand why. It’s scary when things are beyond your understanding. And also punch them in their dumb monkey faces when they speak because I’m tired of dealing with them.


  1. Conservatives in general are much more capable of dealing with opposing viewpoints


    The Brigham Young University survey found that … liberals read almost exclusively liberal blogs, but conservatives tend to read both…

    …stronger party affiliation, conservative political views, and greater interest in politics proved more likely to click on articles with opposing views, according to the Ohio State study.

  2. And their arguments consist solely of screeching and the flinging of poo. Honestly, if you look through the comments sections at any major publication, the conservative viewpoint is typically being supported with facts and logic, while liberals call names and well basically they just call names. Sometimes they will cite a liberal screed from a liberal site like that is the be all and end all. But that is actually a rare occurrence.

  3. I’m sure Freud had some theory of the psychosis of Moonbats. The Great Gulf/Chasm is between the moonbats’ ears.The synapses just don’t fire on all cylinders in the moonbat brains. Any time a Liberal tries to contemplate conservative ideas, he/she/it overloads the circuits, thus the steam from their ears. Thankfully, they are easily diverted, or that burnt electrical smell would permeate the Earth’s atmosphere. Punching their dumb monkey faces DOES divert them, but in order to decrease their surplus population without resorting to Genocide, the one Big Government Program that Conservatives should endorse is Free Vasectomies and Tubal Ligations for Moonbats.

  4. Speaking of monkeys. minnesota just capitulated to communism and gave alfrankenstein the senate seat. We are doomed.
    All red states should secede and now before the communists take over completely. Its a sad day for America. A sad day for freedom, and a sad day for the complete idiots in minnesota. Nothing like being a turd respresented by a big pile of steaming dung.

  5. Oh, so now we’re sposed to uuuuuuuuunderstand the Liberals? Kinda like we’re sposed to uuuuuuuuuuuuunderstand the terizts? (Liberal…terizt…same diff)

    Oh wait, you said we should punch their dumb monkey faces; never mind.

    Why can’t they just abort and euthanize themselves out of existence since they support both concepts so religiously?

  6. The PJ O’Rourke essay “How to Explain Conservatism to Your Squishy Liberal Friends: Individualism ‘R’ Us” is usually what I use when trying to explain why collectivism is stupid and doesn’t work when I’m arguing with a liberal.

    The only problem is that after they read it their brains go in to traumatic shock and they start drooling all over the place.

    It just gets too messy.

  7. oops, here they are:
    1. Liberals believe that people are basically good, where as conservatives believe that people are basically evil.
    2. Liberals believe that global wealth is fixed and just changes hands, whereas conservatives believe that overall wealth grows and that people can generate wealth for themselves.
    3. Liberals believe that truth is relative, where as conservatives that truth is absolute.

  8. I’d rather talk to a brick wall than a liberal, the wall dosen’t freak out out scream, howl, and fling poo. Punching, kicking, and hitting liberals with blunt objects is also better than talkiing to them. liberals are only good for one thing punching bags.

  9. It can’t be easy being a liberal. Imagine going through life with an understanding of the day’s largest political issues that goes no deeper than a bumper sticker you saw on another liberal’s car.

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