Batman Must Have Confided to Biden Where His Secret Headquarters Is


  1. Oddly enough, I drove by that sign just last week, but didn’t have my camera handy. It is indeed in South Carolina. I wan’t really surprised to see that Batman had abandoned Gotham after a few years of Mayor Nanny, er, Bloomberg.

  2. It had to be the Obama regime or the NY Times. Both see their duty as disclosing secrets that hurt good Americans, while guarding info the hurts our enemies. If only Batman was a Muslim or an Argentine dictator. His secret would have been safe.

  3. I have to go with Dennis Miller on this one I think Biden is delusional and has managed to convince everyone he is the second most powerful man in the world so him knowing where the bat cave doesn’t really shock me, next thing you know he’ll be telling us that he once slept with Wonder Woman after rescuing her from Right Wing Extremists in Area 51 while revealing all our nuclear secrets..

  4. “…yeah….yeah, no Joe I hear what you’re saying. My bat cave is just off of 64 East and I’ve used Amtrak to get up to Gotham a couple of times. It’s just so expensive and inconvenient. It’s okay, I guess, depending on where you’re going. The batcar’s just way easier for me………Joe, don’t start with the global warming crap, okay? …I…listen Joe, they’re signaling me. I gotta go, bye.”

  5. I think the only reason Biden has a record for being such a clean politician, is because all the lobbyist know he won’t be able to keep his mouth shut about certain business relationships. Biden is too stupid to be useful.

    Also, as soon as I posted my first comment, I realized I could have just checked a map of the interstate system, or referenced the other cities listed. Feel so dumb, should apply to the DNC.

  6. Sorry, have to correct some of you. Bat cave is in North Carolina, west of Charlotte. This is reasonably close to SC, which is why you see the Greenville & Spartanburg signs. Also, Henderson is in North Carolina. As is US 64. (Home state know-it-all, sorry)

  7. It’s not in South Carolina, it’s in North Carolina, sheesh. Been by it many times. Bat Cave is the name of a city (I am not making this up). And yeah, there really is a bat cave, I’ve heard they do tours a few times a day. Never been to the cave myself.

  8. This sign is right outside of Asheville, NC because I pass it regularly (or at least another ‘Bat Cave’ exit sign). I always sing the Bat tune when I see it… “Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na Batman,” which in turn leads me to sing Homer Simpson’s version “Na-na-na-na-na-na-na-na Leader” from the religious cult episode. Now that d#$@ song is stuck in my head!

  9. I use to live there! No tours in the caves anymore due to vandals…… sorry. 🙁

    About three miles down the road is a great attraction called Chimney Rock. If you are ever in N.C. this something you will not want to miss.

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