For Future Note

Since the President is a sissy, we can bully him into doing the right thing. Took him more than a week, but he finally condemn the Iranian government. So let’s just keep pushing him on the other stuff we want and eventually he’ll cave.

The Obama presidency could be workable.


  1. Hey Dumbo. Your ears are so big. I bet your afraid to cut taxes and reduce spending. Just remember for every million dollars that you spend on non-terrorist killing programs, we are going to give your a swirly.

    In conclusion, stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself, stop hitting yourself.

  2. Pingback: The Castrati Presidency - Redhot - RedState

  3. If you don’t cut taxes and secure the second amendment, we will not let you coddle terrorist after dinner. And imarealdouchebag cannot come for the party on the forth.

  4. Unfortunately, he is bullied by the First Klingon 24/7, and she bullies him to do the Left thing.”You want to see what I can do to a sissy with my ‘garden shovel’ Barack?”

  5. Dear Prissy Britches in the WH: Watch tapes of Reagan. Learn to be a man. Practice in the mirror:

    “Imadingdongjacka$$, you want a piece of my military, comin’ atcha from both sides? Huh? Do ya, punk, do ya?

    And you, Lil Kim, look up in the sky… Is it a bird? Is it a plane? No! It’s Captain Justice from the U S of A. Ka-boom!!!

    Anybody else wanna mess with me, huh? Well, do ya?”

    Really hate to say it, but I’m definitely more proud to be an American in my dreams, wherein Ozone remembers the Fonzie Principle.

  6. Pingback: The Castrati Presidency - Redhot - RedState

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