Gun Laws Anger People with Guns

So Massachusetts is planning on imprisoning citizens who try to buy more than one gun in a thirty day period. I don’t know if it will be wise to go after these people, though; apparently they have multiple guns. If I were going to mindlessly pick on lawful citizens, I’d go after those who don’t buy guns, personally.


  1. “Don’t make me angry, you wouldn’t like me when I’m angry.”>>>”You gonna pull those pistols, or whistle Dixie?”>>> Massachusetts: on the Predator ‘do not visit list, no sport’.>>> Massachusetts: on the Terorizts must visit list since 9/11/2001

  2. It is Taxachusetts, no stupidity undone.

    I am sure that in that socialist state they already have their version of the KGB in place. They have a huge crime rate lack of a serious police force so they must ensure that the sheeple do not defend themselves or they might realize that they do not need their elite masters.

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