
A hateful man made the news yesterday. You’ve read or heard about it, I’m sure.

This hateful old man — born prior to the U.S. entry into World War II — has, for years, spouted hate for others.

This hateful old man has a long history of criticizing Jews. If you search the Internet, you can find his rants.

This hateful old man is a racist, who has made statements that have inflamed relations between blacks and whites.

This hateful old man is a conspiracy nut. Despite serving in the U.S. Navy, this hateful old man now spouts anti-government rhetoric, and blames the U.S. for the events of 9/11.

This hateful old man was a strong critic of President George W. Bush and GOP presidential candidate John McCain. Admittedly, this doesn’t make him hateful, but it does show you something about his political leanings.

This hateful old man made the news recently. And my reaction was like many others that hear or read about him and people like him: “That darn Jeremiah Wright is at it again.”

Of course, his recent comments that made the news were pushed out of the forefront by the actions of another hateful old man: James Wenneker von Brunn, another pre-World War II anti-Semite, who served in the Navy, made inflammatory statements, opposed Bush and McCain, and is a conspiracy nut.

The difference between them is as stark as black and white. But no deeper than color. Beneath the color, there’s not a bit of difference.


  1. Yup, that hateful racist pos is all bent out of shape that that other classless disgrace can’t talk to him because of the juice.
    I have no clue as to why O.J. would let two complete pieces of garbage talk to each other.
    Oh! Jews! nevermind.

  2. “The difference between them is as stark as black and white. But no deeper than color. Beneath the color, there’s not a bit of difference.”

    well… ‘cept that von brunn didn’t just talk, but tried to _do_ something…

    even extreme actions are better than doing nothing… society is a grand experiment, after all… it’s a very progressive train of thought, making wright nothing more than a liberal poser…

    [Wait. Saying and doing something evil is better than saying something evil but doing nothing? You been mixing your medications again? – B]

  3. That sounds like a good idea janet. We should all do that. Maybe we can get Frank J, Basil, and Harvey honored as the “Worst People in the World”. Oh, did you guys hear that Von Brunn may have been planning to go after the Weekly Standard?

    Found Olberdork’s email: KOlbermann@msnbc.com

  4. I smell possible awesomeness in the works… We know that the Thompsons check IMAO (Hi! You guys are awesome!) and maybe if Olbedork makes some one here “The Worst Person in the World” we can set up a to the death cage match between Olberdork and Fred Thompson. Fred wouldn’t even have to be in the same state to destroy Olbermann. Through the power of sheer awesome he could disembowel him from a near infinite distance.

  5. Really? No difference between being an ignorant close-minded bigot and an ignorant close-minded bigoted murderer? None at all?

    Talk is cheap. Life is precious. They ain’t the same thing.

    [The difference is in their actions, no in who they are. – B]

  6. i’ve got an idea! (off topic)…frank! start a major rumor that the democratic party looks to david letterman as their spokesman…really get it going! all the contacts you have (and i know you have them both in and out of the realm of reality!!!)…wouldn’t that be fun to watch the reaction…

  7. Lechteron…Mr. Fred Thompson would never consider such foolishness! He would never waste even a smidgen of his total awesomeness on a weenie like Olberdickhead! Fred Thompson does stuff like conspiring with God himself to eliminate RINO’s from the Republican party and also he consults with Dick Cheney on coming up with new and painful torture techniques for terrorists and congressmen!

  8. That hateful old man description is acutely precise, Bravo! However, you seem to have left out about 200 elected or appointed democrat government officials who may, or may not have been working just down the street at the time of the tragic shooting, with the only other distinction being they cheated on their taxes at some time.

  9. Thank you Basil. That is absolutely right.

    There are racists in every color, country, civilization or zone. Racism knows no boundries. It affects all people whether the victims or the perpetrators. Just as there are good people in the color, country, civilization. Many countries, races and civilizations will continue to fester, and ooze until they admit that they are NO better than everyone else, the rules apply to EVERYONE, and it is NO ONE’S TURN for the best of what is out there.

    Oh and BTW, I have never chosen my friends according to their color, ethnicity or culture………I chose my friends (where I work, what I do for fun I. chose them according to what the people act like, how they behave, speak and what they espouse. Therefore you won’t ever see me at a Pro Abortion rally, nor will I ever attend a Gay Pride Parade, and you probably will be able to count the times I’ll go to the movie theater (or any other theater). Not because I hate these people but because I have nothing in common with them.

    Oh and another hateful old man made the news this week. The pervert joking about having sex with a 14 year old (he also slandered ball players, the Yankees, and hispanics but of course “It was all in Fun”.) Can’t wait for his child to get old enough to really embarrass him. Paybacks are the devil.

  10. I think their actions are different precisely because of who they are. As reprehensible as Wright is, he’s not a murderer, and that strikes me as a pretty important character distinction. Hateful old gasbag? I’m with you. Societal cancer? Absolutely. Makes the world a worse place? Not a doubt in my mind. Liable to go on a rampage at a Holocaust museum? No.

  11. ……. Liable to spread his hate to hundreds in a house of the Lord for decades and poison the minds of future generations ? Yes, Blah. And ask Rev. Sharpton about how preaching hate can kill while keeping his own hands blood free.

  12. Wright hasn’t killed anyone outright (as far as we know), but he Did condone the murder of 3000 people as God’s retribution against America.
    “America’s chickens …… have come home ….. to roost!”

  13. Now, now, Reverand Wright has already cleared this all up. He explained, quite convincingly, that when he said “Them Jews” what he really meant to say was “Them slime-sucking pig-devils”. So you see, he’s clearly not a racist. Hope. Change.

  14. something that always bothered me greatly about these people, always being labeled as right wing, on the radio this morning, this jerkoff not only jumped on the train claiming these events were started by rush, hannity, orielly, etc, but blamed “anit semite” republicans, and things like his 9/11 truth belief had nothing to do with it. sorry, but it does, this man WAS a conspiracy nut, and 9/11 truthers are one of the ultimate forms of these people, and they are dangerous in their fears of the world around them. tim mcveigh seems to be someone lefties try to pull out to prove that even if osama were a democrat leader, the left couldnt be as bad as the right. though they fail to mention while he was registered republican, he was also mentally unstable, and that HE HATED THE US GOVERNMENT, ITS MILITARY, AND WAS A FAN OF SADDAM, yet somehow every republican loves the government, are fanatical fans of the military, and killed sadam to finish what we started years before. it SHOULD NOT be pointed out whos political party a horrible person is in, but its even worse to suggest that republicans are responsible for tim, because he was registered as one, and repsonsible for this guy, because he hated jews.

    the only terrorist republicans are democrats. not literally, of course, but what im trying to say, is you cannot believe what a republican believes, and still do these things.

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