It’s Nice When They Tell Us Their Plans

AMERICA: “Hey, Al Qaeda, we were just wondering if you took control of Pakistan, whether you plan to use their nukes against us.”

AL QAEDA: “Oh yeah. Totally.”

AMERICA: “So, if you ever seize power in Pakistan, we have ever reason to nuke you first.”

AL QAEDA: “Yeah, that would be the smart thing.”

AMERICA: “Well, thanks for this frank discussion.”

AL QAEDA: “No problem. Death to you!”


  1. Not to worry. Kim Jung Il is going to beat AQ to it. Today Kim said he would destroy the US with his nukes if we dared to f**k with his boat. Earth to Kim….you have six nukes, we have six hundred….do the math! On the other hand Kim has a pair….not so sure ’bout the Prez. He would strike back….wouldn’t he….I mean even liberal Dems have some sort of sense of preservation….don’t they?

  2. “Hello, Osama? Yes this is President Obama…..yes, yes, in fact I think we might be related. About that nuclear missile that struck Nova Scotia last week…yes, I know the intended target was New York. That’s why I’m calling…I wanted to apologize. You see, after it went off, I ordered a full inquiry. It seems you used one manufactured in China. Well, it seems that those particular plans were ones smuggled out in Sandy Burgher’s underwear, and unfortunately, they got stained. Yes. there are some language barriers as well. I also just apologized to China for that…it seems Bill Clinton didn’t have the foresight to have secret documents printed in Chinese….well, I’ve just corrected that. In the wake of this unfortunate “man-made catastrophe”, I’ve ordered the Pentagon and CIA to begin printing our secrets in all known languages except English….”

  3. There is a factor that would determine Bama’s response, it is where the NK missle hit. If it were to hit Chicago.. he would probably go ape shit….a “red” city….. probably not.

    Frank…. I read this post in just the right frame of mind to get a good laugh… thanks for de funny.

  4. I live in Minnesota which is really really liberal so I’m ok. If we are nuked, Obama will get really really mad and will draft a super excellent letter of deep disappointment…

  5. “President Obama today expressed ‘mild interest’ over the takeover of Pakistan by the freedom fighter group Al Qaida. Said the president, ‘We uh….look forward to holding immediate discussions with the newly elected Pakistani regime.'”

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