Random Thoughts

Have any of you stopped to think that maybe we haven’t been giving Willow Palin enough critical scrutiny?

Since the Holocaust museum shooter was born in 1920, he has of history of hanging out with anti-Semites that’s even longer than Obama’s.

One day we’ll stop saying that Palin is the next Ronald Reagan. Instead, we’ll say Reagan was an early Palin.

Sometimes I don’t know who I’m making fun of… but I’m pretty sure I’m mocking someone.


  1. //Have any of you stopped to think that maybe we haven’t been giving Willow Palin enough critical scrutiny?//
    ……..of course not, she hasn’t developed an obsessive personality and been sent to re-hab yet.

    One wonders why people are so overwhelmingly interested in other peoples lives. Don’t they make enough mistakes on their own, or mayhaps their lives are so incredibly boring that watching the disintegration of someone else’s life gives they something to do, or are they so such sadists that they take pleasure in the pain of others? Of course maybe it is the sense of superiority that they crave when someone else makes a mistake. Perhaps it is the only way these voyeurs find to feel good about themselves.

    This somewhat explains reality shows………kinda sorta but then again not.

  2. For those of you who feel as I do about letterman’s depravity, here’s a list of his sponsors. Act accordingly:

    Best Western
    Capitol One
    Earn My Degree
    Embassy Suites
    Mars Candy
    On The Border Restaurants
    True Credit by TransUnion

  3. Marko, I think David Letterman IS a hippy, so technically he is good meat for beatin on. It is true Letterman USED to be funny when Clinton was prez, since then, not so much. I think it’s about the same time he lost the worlds most dangerous band, and switched networks, and WRITERS. Funny, he’s a teleprompter jesus from the old school who lost his faith in himself and the people he is supposed to be entertaining, sold his soul and his tallent for 300000000 pieces of silver. It’s only a matter of time before he gets expunged from view like so many bird cage liners.

  4. Rev. Wright says of Obama, “Those Jews won’t let him talk to me” and goes off on an anti-Israel rant.

    Two days later, someone shoots up the Holocaust Museum.
    We later find out the shooter hated Bush and thought 9/11 was an inside job.

    Are we sure they got the right guy? Maybe they should have nailed that Wright guy.

    Aww crap, someone beat me to it. Pays to do the “literature search”.

    They found more connections than I did, but at least I got the wordplay.

  5. Not to worry. A surprise appearance by Sarah Palin on Letterman’s show, 15 seconds of a good ole’ fashion beat down finished off with a hard and nasty kick in the balls would be most excellent. She could leave him laying on the floor while his audience laughed at the whole thing. Then she could kick off her campaign and warn all liberals and RINO’s in DC that she intends more of the same for each of them. One at a time beginning with Barney Frank and Kathleen Parker…

  6. Sometimes I don’t know who I’m making fun of… but I’m pretty sure I’m mocking someone.
    It better not be me (shakes fist in a very threatening manner).

    Maybe you should mock Mr. “First” up there.
    Oh wait, 7 and 9 already did.

    Mmmmmmm, 7 of 9.

    yeah, it’s stream of consciousness, so wha… hey, a penny!

  7. Has anyone stopped to think that maybe we’re in a long national nightmare with the funniest ending ever? I thought so.

    I’ve accepted the nightmare. It’s that ending I’m worried about.

  8. You did, Veeshir. See, reading you makes me think of your famous phrase. Every time I read a comment from you and am going to follow you with one, I think to myself, “Myself, I wonder what Veeshir is thinking today about “The Funniest End to Civilization Ever? (-Veeshir)”

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