Random Thoughts

I’m interested in what’s happening in Iran but not particularly interested in Michael Jackson. Is there a news source that caters to someone like me?

I don’t want to be one of those tiresome “celebrity news isn’t news” people, but it’s not news and I’m going to repeat that over and over.

Know who Michael Jackson’s death has to hit hardest? Obama. How is he going to get back in the news?

For every terrorist we kill, we create ten more. Then we kill those ten and eventually they run out.

Perez Hilton seriously needs mental help, though what he’ll probably claim what he needs is a Twinkie.

Forget carbon dioxide; most of air is nitrogen. Do we need that for anything? Let’s declare war on that gas.

Bailouts, national healthcare, cap and trade. immigration reform: Is Obama trying to ruin too much of the economy too quickly?

It would be neat if instead of a dish at registers to take and leave pennies they had a dish to take and leave peanuts. “Take a peanut; leave a peanut.”

I have the Ghostbuster’s Theme stuck in my head because that’s what came to mind when I tried to remember what “Thriller” sounds like.

East Timor? How many Timors are there?

So Obama is basically Bush with a week lag?

I thought the government was spying on me, but it ends up cameras come standard on phones now.

It’s hard to say what’s going on in Honduras, but my guess is wheelbarrows have gained sentience and have staged a coup.

Are there other types of barrows than the wheel kind? Like skibarrows?

In the future, they use hoverbarrows. People in the future are so needlessly flashy.

With all the government takeovers, perhaps capitalism will dies with Billy Mays. Soon we will envy the dead.

I think a good name for our first child would be “Kid Awesome.”


  1. MarkoMancuso – you are a crafty devil.

    Perez Hilton seriously needs mental help, though what he’ll probably claim what he needs is a Twinkie.

    You did say Twinkie and not Twink, right?

    I’m interested in what’s happening in Iran but not particularly interested in Michael Jackson. Is there a news source that caters to someone like me?

    Frank, I believe the news source you’re looking for is PJTV. Only $5 a month subscription! (Roger, hire me!)

  2. I’m interested in what’s happening in Iran but not particularly interested in Michael Jackson. Is there a news source that caters to someone like me?

    And when are they going to cover someone important like Billy Mays? Who is going to annoy me now, sham wow guy? Nah he is just irritating.

  3. For every terrorist we kill, we create ten more. Then we kill those ten and eventually they run out.

    And for every tax the terrorist in the white house creates, harry ‘i have a tiny penis’ reid makes ten more.

    Cap and trade.
    Can we do that to the clueless disgrace’s a$$?

  4. carbon dioxide; most of air is nitrogen. Do we need that for anything?

    Well, yes:

    1. Without it, there is no protein
    2. Without it or some other gas that reacts more slowly than oxygen, there would be a real problem in, for example, lighting a candle.

  5. I think a good name for our first child would be “Kid Awesome.”

    Reading Frank’s and SarahK’s tweets. Are they trying to tell us something? That would be awesome because this whole Michael Jackson thing is winding down and Iran is so last week, we need some NEWS!

  6. If there is a mini-Frank or Mini-Sarah on the way, please, Please, PLEASE, FRANK, don’t say “We’re Pregnant.” It is an established fact that men do not, in fact, get pregnant.

  7. Are there other types of barrows than the wheel kind
    The kind where barrow wights live.
    Geez, for a nerd you seem to know very little about the Lord of the Rings.

    A little FrnakJ? Congratulations!

    Don’t forget, it’s never too soon to teach children how to spell and it pays off later in life.

  8. Wow Frank, I hope there is a little one on the way. If it is a boy, think of all the fun manly stuff he will need to learn. Shooting, hiking, camping, sports… Good thing SarahK is there to be his mom. LOL

    I’m sure your teach him plenty of other manly stuff though, like… um video games, model building, D&D and laugh trax. Yeah, those are manly aren’t they?

  9. “Like arrows in the hands of a warrior are sons born in one’s youth. Blessed is the man whose quiver is full of them. They will not be put to shame when they contend with their enemies in the gate………….unless they name them ‘Kid Awesome'” – Psalm 127:4-5 (paraphrase)

  10. …unless they name them ‘Kid Awesome’” – Psalm 127:4-5 (paraphrase)

    Also, if the kid is named “Barack”.

    Then he will just be a giant socialist pansy who will be put to shame any time he has to contend with enemies of the country, or a mildly critical 8-year old.

  11. Ernie Loco –

    “A righteous person hates lying, but a wicked person behaves with shame and disgrace…….especially that Obama guy.” Proverbs 13:5

    Man, this Bible thing sure hits the nail on the head, huh?

  12. The reason you don’t declare war on nitrogen, even though it’s useless, is that of all chemical compounds, it’s one of the least likely to be able to kill you.

    Kind of like Canada.

  13. Compare Psalm 127:4-5 with O-bah-muhh’s,”If they make a mistake, I don’t want them punished with a baby.” I guess Rev. Wright preached that children are an Obamanation to the Lord.

  14. Perez Hilton seriously needs mental help, though what he’ll probably claim what he needs is a Twinkie.

    No he needs Will.I.Am to give him a beat down everyday. Maybe if he got the snot beat out of him enough times it would fix his sorry stupid a$$.

  15. “For every terrorist we kill, we create ten more. Then we kill those ten and eventually they run out.”

    Only liberals could be stupid enough to come up with the theory that “For every terrorist we kill, we create ten more,” as if seeing a terrorist being blown to pieces by our military looks so appealing that ten more idiots want in on the action. That’s like saying, “For every offensive, gay, hate-monger with a website slamming celebrities that Will.I.Am punches in the face, he creates ten more.” My guess is that there will actually be one less website making fun of the Black-Eyed Peas, and at least ten more thinking twice before making fun of those guys on theirs, as well.

  16. Forget carbon dioxide; most of air is nitrogen. Do we need that for anything? Let’s declare war on that gas.

    Nitrogen is a valuable tool for prying money out of the hands of idiots: There is a new car dealer here in town who’s trying to build up his service business. He’s advertising that if you come in for 4 new tires, he’ll fill them with pure nitrogen which he claims improves gas mileage and tire lifespan.

  17. I actually talked to my Mazda dealer about putting nitrogen in my Mazda Speed and he said it is for real. I’m running Toyo Racing Tires and he said it will improve everything. At $250.00 a copy I’m willing to give it a try so when I replace these over priced bad boys I’m going to have him put it in and we will see…

  18. Bible Story:
    1. Joseph, at the orders of Pharaoh, seizes 20% of Egypt’s crops from the producers during each of the 7 years of plenty. (didn’t buy it, didn’t write them an IOU, didn’t ask for voluntary donation; seized it).
    (Genesis 41:34)
    2. During the first year of famine, sold grain back to the Egyptians at inflated prices until Pharaoh had complete control of the money supply.
    (Genesis 47:14)
    3. During the second year of famine, exchanged grain for livestock (seized the means of production).
    (Genesis 47:17)
    4. During the third year of famine, exchanged grain for land And made indentured servants (share-croppers/slaves) of all the Egyptians.
    (Genesis 47:20-21)
    5. Did Not seize the property of the Priests (the law-making elite class).
    (Genesis 47:22)
    6. Continued to tax the Eqyptians at a rate of 20% annually.
    (Genesis 47:24)
    7. Gained special priviledges for his kinfolk in the land of Goshen.
    (Genesis 47:27)

    The Egyptians didn’t have a Constitution – what’s Our excuse?

  19. I’m not sure what’s going on in Honduras, but I figure if Obama, Hillary, and Hugo don’t like it….it must be good for the US. As far as what caused the demise of Billy Mays goes, I’d say my first suspect would be the Shamwow Guy….Vince. With that Jersey accent of his, he’s got Mafia hit man written all over him.

  20. 37 – I knew it was somthin.

    Actually, the Ghostbusters theme was so close to Huey Lewis’ I want a New Drug that he sued. Think about it. It’s exactly the same song. Right when it came out, the guy who wrote it (Ray Parker Jr) said they came to him and said they need a theme song TODAY.

  21. Q: Bailouts, national healthcare, cap and trade. immigration reform: Is Obama trying to ruin too much of the economy too quickly?

    A: Yes, that way he can bankrupt the country and be “forced” to raise taxes to European confiscatory levels. It’s all about the power. Beware the VAT.

  22. Are there other types of barrows than the wheel kind? Like skibarrows?

    Where do you get this “barrow” jazz from? They’re “wheelbarrels”. They were invented when some guy cut a barrel in half and added a wheel. Wheelbarrel. Simple.

    You come up with some of the weirdest stuff.

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