
Maybe with all that’s going on, it’s time to become isolationists. Instead of engaging with the crazy world, we just bunker down in America and launch missiles at everything we think we see moving. Then people will leave us alone and stop moving, and we’ll be safe.

It’s the Ron Paul plan and it’s worth considering.

Does Obama Mean No Awesomeness?

I know a lot of you are like, “Obama is awesome. He brings hope and change,” but I haven’t been so thrilled because I wanted change to, but the change I want is in military technology. I’ve long argued that what our military needs is to be feared like an angry god, and for that we need space lasers and dinosaurs with rocket launchers on them. And we need to nuke the moon. And while it was plausible to convince Bush of this, I just don’t see Obama going along with it.

I’ll be like, “We really need to resurrect dinosaurs and put rocket launchers on them to keep our military as a modern fighting force.”

And Obama will be like, “But don’t dinosaurs have big teeth. That’s scary. I don’t like scary things.”


And Obama will start crying and be like, “You’re as mean as a dinosaur!”

And I’ll be like, “Obama, baby, why do you make me hurt you?”

So it’s just not going to work with this administration. I don’t know what to do. I guess I could try remarketing those ideas into something Obama might like. I could say things like:

“If we want to convince people that America isn’t imperialist, we need to put rocket launchers on dinosaurs.”

“If we want universal healthcare, first we need a laser that can shoot people from space… for surgical purposes.”

“Nuking the moon will help us peacefully… JUST DO WHAT I TELL YOU, YOU FREAKISHLY-EARED NINNY!”

I can’t do it. These are cool awesome things and I can’t make them sucky to appeal to Obama. I don’t want to sound like some uber-partisan, but I don’t like having a Democrat as president.

Random Thoughts

It would be great to see Palin elected president just to watch liberals squeal… especially after she starts rounding them up into death camps.

Political debates would be a lot more interesting if they allowed checking.

I’d hope my wife would murder me before letting me go on and on and embarrass myself like Sanford.

I thought I’d try listening to a new group for change. Is Kings of Leon some joke I’m not getting?

I hope congressman Sestak successfully challenges Specter because his name makes me think of sleestaks.

So are we supposed to trust Obama on the Honduran constitution when he hasn’t even shown a working knowledge of our own constitution?

They write horoscopes so there is nearly no way they could be wrong. Mine today says, “Obama will tax you heavily.”

When did Canada get a whole day? I thought we gave them a half-day in March when nothing else is going on.

I know the iguanodon was discovered long before Happy Days came out, but it still should have been called the fonzie-saur.

What Happened To Those Iranian Ballots?

In an election where Ahmadinejad got 63% of the vote, the Iranians recounted only 10% of the ballots. What about the rest of the ballots?

I speculate thusly:

Sadly, the Arabic words for “ballots” and “shredder” look very similar.

* They’re in the front seat of Ahmadinjad’s car so that the little midget can see over the steering wheel.

* Once Iran is finished hanging all the protesters, they’ll be retrieved from under the wobbly leg of the gallows and re-counted.

* Reserved for training the Ayatollah’s new puppy, “Puddles”.

* Unable to recount because Office Depot shorted their order by a dozen cases of White Out.

* Due to a typo, most Iranian provinces spent the last week counting boxes of bullets.

* Accidentally invalidated when all their corners were cut off so they could be used as props for the TV series “Battlestar Iranica”.

* Covertly shipped into Iraq for use by insurgents in “Improvised Papercut Devices”.

* A friendly paper-airplane-making contest at the vote-counting center got a little out of hand.

* Testing the theory that 25 million sheets of paper, if laid end to end, would stretch all the way around the planet.

* Assembling them into the world’s largest “KICK ME” sign. Still trying to figure out how to tape it to Israel’s back.

Any other ideas?