
Totally forgot today is IMAO’s seven year blogiversary. Yay us.

Reminisce in comments.



The blogiversary caught me by surprise and so I just threw up this post before heading out the door to Bible study, but all the nice comments made me feel like I should say something more. So I just want to say I love each and every IMAO reader… even the trolls.

I haven’t had as much time for IMAO as I used and tend to leave the longer writing for PJM columns, but I want to keep putting up original content on IMAO that’s worth coming back to see and isn’t written by Harvey or Basil. So I’m going to try to get back to doing more comics for IMAO. I really like those but haven’t done them in a while. They were just a hassle in scanning and editing to a good size for the blog, but I’m smart enough to find a way around that. I already have this convenient tech solution I came up with where I make SarahK do it.

Anyway, the best days of IMAO are still ahead of it, I assure you! Perhaps long after something even newer has pretty much replaced blogging. But we’re conservatives. We don’t like new things.

Oh yeah, follow me on Twitter.

Be honorable, ronin.

Tough, Psychotic Granny

75-year-old woman charged with beating death of fawn. Yeah, it’s horrible, but it’s also kinda badass. Remind me to not walk on her flower beds.

Conservative Solutions to Sissy Liberal Problems

I was thinking that while conservatives are concerned about important things like terrorism and preserving freedom, liberals are always worried about silly pansy-ass things. Maybe, though, to help them out, we can try using our practical conservative know-how to solve them.


SISSY LIBERAL PROBLEM: Children have low self-esteem.
CONSERVATIVE SOLUTION: Drop children in the middle of enemy territory. Those that make it back will have earned self-esteem.

SISSY LIBERAL PROBLEM: Muslims feel unfairly discriminated against.
CONSERVATIVE SOLUTION: Forcefully convert them to Christianity.

SISSY LIBERAL PROBLEM: Not enough support for the arts.
CONSERVATIVE SOLUTION: Classify monster trucks as art.

SISSY LIBERAL PROBLEM: Endangered species.
CONSERVATIVE SOLUTION: Drop endangered species in the middle of enemy territory. Those that make it back will be toughened up to help their survival. All others probably deserved to go extinct.

SISSY LIBERAL PROBLEM: Plastics don’t biodegrade.
CONSERVATIVE SOLUTION: Load plastics into rocket and fire them into the sun. If we’ve destroyed the sun, fire rocket to moon. Nuke moon.

No More Monkeys

I think they got the good news/bad news mixed up here. If scientists are just going to keep finding more monkeys in the Amazon, they need to stay out of it. We’re trying to develop advanced, cultured societies here, and monkey want nothing more than to destroy all that and eat our eyeballs. If one more monkey is discovered, I say that’s cause enough to burn all the Amazon rainforests down.

Random Thoughts

Considering all the plastic surgery options available today, I think it was constructive criticism.

I’m bored. Let’s spread rumors of a top level Obama administration official being a pedophile.

A bird in the hand will screech and peck a lot more than two in the bush.

One day conservatives are going to have to propose the only practical solution to global warming: DESTRUCTION OF THE SUN!

The voices in my head have stopped which has made me paranoid that I’m not fun to talk to.

If we make an agreement to reduce nukes, how can we know if we each upheld it? We should just pick a country and nuke it together.

I want to genetically combine an orange and an apple to make an orapple. It will be great for comparison purposes.

Why in this day and age do we still not have a rhyme for orange? Couldn’t we have just made one by now? Everyone is stupid except for me.

I can just imagine the investigation into the cyber attacks. “So, South Korea, do you have any enemies you know of?”

Obama was going to promptly respond to the cyber attacks, but he got North and South Korea mixed up since he was holding his map upside down.

Couldn’t The Atlantic just pretend to publish Andrew Sullivan’s rantings and then pay for his meds as a sort of charity thing?