The Hell of Canadian Healthcare

If you only watch one Crowder video, watch this. Steven Crowder goes undercover to show you exactly what it’s like getting healthcare in Canada:

At one point, he’s actually told to get a blood test he should either wait two to three years on a waiting list to get a family practitioner or go to one of the now allowed private clinics and pay $900.

Plus, he goes through how much the “free” really crappy healthcare actually costs in taxes and higher prices on everything.

Do not want!

Obama is so useless and incompentent as president that…

…he’s claiming the stimulus has “worked as intended.”

I Don’t Care, I’m Going to Make Him Guilty Anyway

So ABC News responded to this blatantly incriminating picture:

by going out of their way to prove that Obama is NOT checking out a 16 year old girl’s ass by going frame-by-frame through the video.

[YouTube direct link]

Suddenly they give a crap about factual accuracy.

And normally, I would, too, but it’s a little too late, because I’ve cannon-balled into the deep end of the vengeance pool.

The MSM has no compunction about running with smears, innuendo, and Tina Fey quotes to discredit Sarah Palin. So I’m taking Porretto’s advice on how to do payback on liberals and running this bad-timing, bad-luck photo into the ground (and yes, it’ll be the “uncaptioned” in tomorrow’s lolbama!).

This will be Obama’s tank picture.

This will be Obama’s bunny suit.

I’m going to take this image at face value until Obama comes out and makes a statement denying his pedophillic leer. Then I’m going to ignore him and keep on accusing him of impropriety with this out-of-context photo as my only evidence.

Well, except for this screen-grab:

Say… who IS that charming lady – who is NOT Obama’s wife – that the President is holding hands with?

Didn’t we first see Monica Lewinsky as just another “celebratory hug” while Billy “Blue Dress” Clinton was working a room?:

Is there more to this story?

Should Congress call for hearings?

I’m not implying anything. I’m just asking questions.

More CSIs

I was thinking it’s time for a fourth CSI show. I mean, there are still plenty of Who songs unused as theme songs. Here’s some ideas I had:

CSI: Boise – “Spectral analysis shows this fool done got himself shot.”

CSI: Middle East – “By trace analysis, we have concluded this was done BY THE JOOOOS!!”

CSI: Antarctica – It would take some good writing to make sure the culprit isn’t always seals.

CSI: Sunnydale – “Stick to the science… unless you think magic is involved.”

CSI: Congress – “I’m pretty sure someone here is lying.”

CSI: Chicago – “This doesn’t make any sense: It appears to be a bullet wound, but handguns are banned in this city.”

CSI: D.C. – “The corpse of the Constitution was found naked, lying in a stream. I think money was involved.”

This Needs Interpreting

From the White House Twitter feed:

“Freedom is your inheritance. Now, it is your responsibility to build upon freedom’s foundation.”

Which is the worst metaphor since “The reckless fiscal policies of the past have left us in a very deep hole. Digging our way out will take time and patience and tough choices.”

Let me explain by de-metaphorizing that Twitter line:

“This house is your inheritance. Now, it is your responsibility to build upon this house’s foundation”.

Which is just weird. If you have a house, the foundation is underneath it, so it’s kind of hard to build on it, since… um… the house is in the way.

So I think what Obama’s saying is that government has come along with a wrecking ball, smashing your inherited freedom to bits, and hey – good luck building something over that hole in the ground we left you, because we’ll be back later to smash that, too.

Maybe it’s time to take some wrecking balls to the government’s demolition equipment.

Top Ten CIA Lies

The Democrats led by Pelosi have been saying the CIA has lied to them. But what are those lies?


10. Half the intelligence they give Congress is about non-existent countries like Freedonia and New Caprica.

9. Instead of for necessary intelligence, waterboarding was often used to get terrorists to admit who is their daddy.

8. Sometimes they’d say it’s a nice day out when it was actually overcast.

7. Last couple Osama bin Laden videos were actually of a muppet.

6. They told Congress they’d get to meet Alias, but it ends up Jennifer Garner was never actually employed by them.

5. When asked what CIA stands for, they said they didn’t know.

4. They completely made up Kim Jong Il.

3. Details of their cooperative work with MI6 had actually came straight from a James Bond movie.

2. Though they vowed not to interfere with Iran, ends up they were distributing literature comparing Ahmadinejad’s penis unfavorably with that of a squirrel’s.

And the number one lie of the CIA the Democrats have alleged…

Continue reading ‘Top Ten CIA Lies’ »

Should We Learn from Monkeys?

Here’s how to open a banana like a monkey:

Apparently we’ve all been opening bananas inefficiently and monkeys know the proper way. Being that monkeys are evil and against all that is humanity, should we ever learn from their wisdom or would that make us evil as well?

I say we can learn from them. If their way of opening a banana is more efficient, that means if we use it we’ll be spending less time trying to open bananas and more time plotting the demise of monkeys. We can use their knowledge to help destroy them. So don’t be afraid of learning from monkeys as long at the ultimate goal is their end.

I Cannot Be Held Accountable For Where My Mind Goes

I read this:

What does one get when they mix floppy ears, a distinguishable under-bite and a scrunched face?

And my first thought was “Nancy Pelosi”.

I apologize for my error. The correct answer is “The World’s Ugliest Dog”:

Pelosi has an overbite.

Random Thoughts

Why would Obama check out another woman? Hasn’t he read all the press reports about how his wife is the most beautiful woman ever ever?

When Helen Thomas retires, I think Andrew Sullivan would be the perfect replacement.

Liberals are people who instead of getting smarter when they grew up learned to say dumb things in a smart-sounding way.

When the end of the world actually comes, do you think Glenn Beck will get all calm and serious and play it down?

If Palin uses her popularity to get rich and never goes back to politics and laughs at her supporters and detractors, that would be awesome.

Making a ton of money while laughing at everybody is the American dream.

Any rational argument for the superiority of rational logic is necessarily circular. It’s like your horoscope telling you to trust horoscopes.

Of course, I used rational thought to find that flaw in rational thought. It boggles the mind. Ooh, I should play Boggle.

Half-Assed PCing

I hate it when people don’t put all the effort into a project that they should.

Like the busy-body, 1-ply panty-liners from CAIR and their all-too-sympathetic tamponic tools in the MSM, who complained that some “offensive” fireworks were being sold in Wisconsin. Specifically, a colorful spark-shower called Run Hadji Run:



An angry Uncle Sam is yanking the beard of what looks like a Muslim man

That’s Osama, you simpering info-skank.

People may get the idea to pop fireworks at Muslims

I only pop fireworks at Muslims if they’re trying to light their own Reeboks and I don’t have my Glock handy.

But that’s not the bad part.

No, the REAL burr under the waistband of my tighty-whities is that the target of all this festering, self-righteous, limp-wristed, I-hate-it-when-people-have-funness also sells other racially insensitive explodo-goodies:

Mexican Jumping Beans:

and “Exploding Bin Laden Noggin“:

All I’m saying is that if you’re going to be a PC douchebag, then get offended by EVERYTHING. Don’t just pick & choose.