Saddened by a Thieving Monkey

In Texas, a monkey was caught on security videotape stealing plants from the store Plants and Planters.

It occurred to me that there’s an analogy between this and Obama taking over GM, since the monkey reportedly said afterwards that he “doesn’t want to be in the plant business”.

Then I remembered that using “monkey” and “Obama” in the same sentence would get me tossed into a Federal Sensitivity Camp, so I’m not gonna go there.

Incidents of Concern

A monkey in north Texas was caught on tape robbing a store. Even worse, it apparently had a human accomplice. That means we now have to worry about human/monkey collaboration. Also, there was a large, mysterious impact to Jupiter. I don’t know if the two are related, but what’s the odds of two odds things happening like this and they aren’t?

Honduran Official Apologizes To Obama For Remark

TEGUCIGALPA, Honduras (AP) — The foreign relations minister in Honduras’ interim government says he has sent a letter to Barack Obama apologizing for a comment he made about the U.S. president.

“Little black man?” Two out of three ain’t bad.

Enrique Ortez says the letter expresses “his most profound apologies” for “an unfortunate comment.”

In a TV interview, Ortez said Obama “is a little black man who doesn’t know where Tegucigalpa is located.”

Ortez says the remark, made before he was named to the post, was not meant to offend anyone.

“I really didn’t mean to imply that Obama was a man,” said Ortez. “But keep in mind that this was said before the frumpy mom-jeans and the girly pitch at the All-Star game. I offer my most profound apologies to the little black woman for my unfortunate comment. I promise never again to insinuate that she pees standing up.”

Ortez also read a statement in Spanish from U.S. Ambassador Hugo Llorens that said: “I express my profound indignation for the unfortunate, disrespectful and gender-insensitive comments made about President Barack Obama, the first little black woman elected to America’s highest office.”

Dr. Obama

Recently at a townhall, when a woman asked whether she would have been able to get a pacemaker for her ninety-nine-year-old mother, Obama responded by saying her mother could have just taken painkillers. This illustrates what a lot of people have started to realize about Obama: He’s a moron.

That’s why his health care plans are not winning popular support; from Obama’s handling of the economy people know he’s a moron and they know health care will only be made worse by having a moron fiddle with it. They worry if they let Obama loose in a hospital, he’ll eat all the lollipops, chew on the wiring, and get a bio-hazard bucket stuck on his head. And if the moron Obama chases a ball into traffic, the White House has a spare moron, Biden, waiting. That’s why we have to keep health care out of governments hands: Government is full of morons who couldn’t make in the private sector just waiting to get their stupid on everything. You don’t want your life in their hands.

What Republicans need to do and I think public opinion will support is just keep moron Obama away from important things so he doesn’t hurt himself and others. Maybe they can have a resolution passed to pin mittens to his jacket.

Will the Domestic Tranquility Act Be Part of Health Care Reform?

(hat tip: Brutally Honest)

[YouTube direct link]

I’m guessing it comes garnished with a sprig of arugula.

Random Thoughts

Deepak Chopra: Is there really a culture in this world where that is not a ridiculous sounding name?

Obama: “I will give everyone free candy and it will save us money and create jobs because shut up.”

When Obama says, “The time for talk is through”, does that mean they’re unable to fix his broken teleprompter?

Obama is foreign born unless you consider Hawaii an American state which I don’t.

With 40 states with right to carry, anyone arguing that conceal carry causes violence is arguing the earth is flat.

I don’t get Obama’s appeal. If we wanted a widely popular out of touch weirdo running the country, why didn’t we just elect Michael Jackson?

The problem with president Michael Jackson is a hundred years from now when teachers tell kids he’s the first “black” president and point to his picture, the kids will get really confused.

It doesn’t matter if manned exploration of space makes sense economically or what not, it’s just what we have to do as the human race.

Why are video games so dominated by multiplayer games these days? I play video games because I don’t like interacting with other people.

Genesis as Written by Atheists

My latest Pajamas Media column is up.

For the record, all I know about the science stuff is what I read on Wikipedia, so don’t consider me an expert. But it’s fun to read about.

Makin’ Bacon out of a Molehill

Well, well, well.

It’s seems I got somebody’s goat. Or pig. Or something.

A post I wrote that appeared both on my little blog and at IMAO has garnered the attention of Ace of Spades HQ. Okay, it was the IMAO posting. They’ve never heard of my little blog.

The took extreme exception to my ridiculing the purchase of ham by the government. The government didn’t like people poking fun at them either. The Secretary of Agriculture went so far as to issue a statement that they bought a lot of ham for that price, not just 2 pounds. They said they paid $1.50/lb., which is about twice what you can find it for on sale at your favorite grocery store.

Heck, I thought we did good, poking fun at government spending. I even got a jab in on the Twitter, saying that “In 6 months, Obama has taken government spending from pork to ham.” Some folks didn’t get it, completely unaware that ham is a special cut of pork, missing the backhanded jab.

So, what’s Ace of Spades HQ — good folks, by the way — got to do with all this?

It seems they’ve declared war on IMAO over it. Because I “dared to insult ham and by association all other delicious pork products (including bacon) by questioning its value under current economic recovery programs.”

I understand why they’re targeting IMAO. It’s one of the big fish. My little blog is … well, small. It’s not worth their efforts. They’re targeting the big boys. Like when weasel lawyers go after big companies when some regular guy does something to offend some thin-skinned cry-baby. IMAO is the big blog, so Frank J., Harvey, SarahK, spacemonkey, Right Wing Duck, et al, are now targeted. Over something that I wrote.

Well, let’s set the record straight, shall we?

I was called “a blogger named after an herb.” They are referring to “basil,” pronounced “BAY-sill.” In fact, my name is “Basil,” pronounced “BAZ-il,” a name of Latin origin that means “kingly.”

My love of pork? I would not say that it’s legendary, but I would say it goes back as far as I can remember. I dare say I’ve slopped more hogs than most of the commenters … and bloggers … at Ace of Spades HQ. I’d wager that many of them have never heard of slopping hogs.

Most of them have only been to pig barbeques in just one state, much less in multiple countries, as have I.

How many of them, I wonder, can say that their relatives were known for the pork products they served in their hometown?

Yeah, that’s what I thought.

Bacon is a regular around here at breakfast. As it should be.

Unless I eat breakfast on the way to work. Then, it’s either bacon or sausage, depending on my mood. And where I eat. If it’s Cracker Barrel, then it’s ham, bacon, and sausage (the Sunrise Sampler®).

And, it’s just not Christmas around the house here without ham sandwiches while we open presents. Ah, the smell of the Christmas ham cooking when morning comes!

Heck, I bet these supposed pig experts don’t even know the words to Peter Percival Patterson’s Pet Pig Porky. I had the album.

However, I will say that I’m not ape-sh*t crazy over pork products. And, I like Spam®, because it’s made of pork shoulder and ham. It tastes great. It’s spam (UCE) that I don’t like. Many pork purists don’t care for Spam®. But they probably don’t like peanut butter and jelly.

So, if the folks at Ace of Spades HQ have a problem with anyone, it’s with me. Not with the good folks at IMAO. Heck, guys, check out the sidebar! I’m listed on the blogroll, not as one of the official bloggers list. I’m merely a guest. Frank J. has been kind enough to allow me to post from time to time. Taking aim at Frank J. is unfair.

If any of the pork posers at Ace of Spades HQ have a problem, it’s with me.

And, if any want to settle this, we can settle it like men. That’s right: Barbeque pork ribs at 20 paces. Warning: I’m from Georgia; I’ll make you squeal like a pig.