Fred Thompson Interviews Byron York

The Fred Thompson Show (or the “Fred and Jeri Show” as it’s more popularly known) now is making neat YouTube clips available of its show. Why? Probably because I asked for it, and everyone knows you listen to Frank if you want what’s best for you.

Here’s Fred and Jeri’s interview of Byron York from today. I think Fred has a good point near the end about Obama and his poseur nature about street cred.

Ways Obama Could Be More Popular

Both Rasmussen and Zogby now have Obama polling below 50% in his approval rating. Since IMAO is non-partisan, I thought I’d give some tips to Obama on how to improve his polls numbers.


* When North Korea or Iran threaten to get nuclear weapons, like do something about it.

* Stop wearing a Che Guevara t-shirt.

* Also, stop supporting socialist dictators in more substantial ways.

* Don’t always just take a penny from the penny dish; sometimes leave a penny. Other people need pennies too.

* When going abroad, stop pretending to be a Canadian.

* Also, stop whispering to every foreign leader “I was actually born in your country.”

* I know you love taxes, but reconsider the harsh “Being an Orphan” Tax.

* Stop referring to Americans as “the little people.”

* Or “crackers.”

* As you drive through cities in your presidential limo, stop flipping off cops.

* When foreign dignitaries express a desire to you to see America destroyed, disagree with them.

* New policy for you on the economy: Sit in the corner and don’t touch anything.

Random Thoughts

Obama destroying our health care is starting to make sense now that I found out his next book will be titled “To Serve Man.”

So are we conservatives who don’t like Obama back to being in the majority? That wasn’t very long in the wilderness.

New sale from Pfizer: All blue pills half-price!

Here’s the deal: When we run out of policy issues to attack Obama on, we’ll focus on his birth certificate.

We’re going to feel like jerks for going after Obama on not reading the health care bill if it ends up he’s illiterate.

I want to just go ahead and say that the next police officer who gives me a ticket was acting stupidly.

Since Gates is a professor, should we track down all his students and check them for a virulent strain of moron?

It’s different for white people. I was questioned for suspicion of breaking into a house and screamed at the cops, and they gave me candy.

Racism really sucks for black supervillians. They can come up with the perfect crime and then go to prison for being black on a Friday.

Black Manta once had a great plan for conquering the oceans but was arrested for stealing a Lexus he legitimately owned. Of course, Aquaman took all the credit.

Obama Friends Count: Crazy, racist preacher. Homegrown terrorist.Crazy professor who screams at police.

Obama: “I can’t disown my statement about Cambridge police anymore than I can disown being a moron.”

Hmm. These placebos aren’t working anymore. I need those new double-strength placebos.

Only 31% expect Biden to be Obama’s running mate in 2012, but way things are going maybe Biden will want a new running mate.

Commenter called John Hawkins a squish. “True Conservative” label now applies to just a handful of blog commenters.

Maybe I can stop all this “True Conservative” debate by reminding everyone that the only true conservative is Andrew Sullivan.

I’m tired of this birth certificate stuff. Let’s go back to claiming Obama is secretly a Muslim.

I really feel like punching something right now. I wish I had kids.