When Galaxies Collide

…we are doomed!

Did you know the Andromeda Galaxy is predicted to collide with our galaxy in 2.5 billion years? No one told me this! That has to be disastrous! All the stars and other bodies will be thrown out of their regular obits! What the hell are we going to do?

I always thought we had 5 billion years to get off this planet before our sun dies. That hardly seems worthy of rushing. But instead we have 2.5 billions years to get out of this galaxy. Intergalactic travel? How can we manage that? And most of the nearest galaxies are satellites of the Milky Way or Andromeda. I assume they’re not safe either. We need a plan to get millions of light years away from here. And we need one yesterday.

Where the hell is the space program?!

Gravity: No Way a Bowling Ball and a Feather Fall with the Same Acceleration (In a Vacuum)

If you drop a bowling ball and a tennis ball from the same height, which hits the ground first? The idea of the question is you’d assume the heavier object would fall faster, but as I was taught as a kid, they both hit at the same time. But now I’m thinking that doesn’t make any sense.

If I remember correctly, the two main variables affecting gravity are mass and distance. Since we’re holding distance constant with the bowling ball and the tennis ball, that means I’m supposed to believe that two objects with different masses have the same acceleration? Well, what would hit first: A bowling ball dropped from one meter on Earth or a bowling ball dropped from one meter on Mars? The bowling ball on earth obviously, as the increased mass of Earth versus Mars results in increased acceleration. Because mass matters.

It seems to me the fallacy of saying the bowling ball and the tennis ball fall at the same speed is thinking the mass of the Earth is so great compared to the two balls that you can discount their mass. But, scientifically, that can’t be true. The bowling ball being more massive is going to pull back on the earth more than the tennis ball and thus accelerate faster (or would the tug slow it down in any way?). It won’t be discernible to the human eye, but the bowling ball’s fall at least won’t be gravitationally the same as the tennis ball’s.

So, to whomever taught me objects all fall towards earth at the same rate regardless of mass, I am now formally calling shenanigans. That’s either wrong or requires much more of an explanation.

Obama the Foreigner

There has been a lot of focus lately on allegations that the president was not born in America. I mean, just look at his name; does that sound like the name of someone born in America? Still, the House passed a resolution yesterday 378 to 0 saying Obama was born in Hawaii (and that’s considered America?) and officials in Hawaii have come out again saying they have seen his original birth certificate (though I’m not sure we should trust Hawaiians).

Of course, IMAO a while ago found Obama’s real birth certificate, and he is quite obviously not eligible to be president. In fact, he’s probably more ineligible than the average person who isn’t eligible. Still, I plan to let this go. It would seem kinda wienery of us to make a big deal out of this when we did steal the last two elections.

Random Thoughts

I really wish I could compare Obama to a monkey same as I do any other liberal. I guess the ones to be angry at there are white racists. Racists ruin everything. In fact, I hate racism so much now I’m going to go scream at cops.

In Gates’s defense, if it’s an arrestable crime to be an arrogant douche, then our nation’s jails would be filled with college professors.

When Benedict XVI writes an autobiography, he should call it “The Audacity of Pope”.

Curious about everyone bashing on Dane Cook, I finally looked up a clip of his stand up on YouTube. I lasted about a minute. Wow. I thought maybe all the Dane Cook bashing was elitism, but finally watching his stand up I wanted God to smite him.

Question for Constiutional Scholars: Does it say anywhere in the Constitution that the president has to be human? I’m pretty sure it says he has to be male.

What Happened to Our Blind Faith in Obama?

My new Pajamas Media column is up. You should read it and then come back and tell me how smart and clever I am. I’ll be waiting.