In Which We Observe Liberal Congratulating Themselves on Being Smirt

I like being mentioned. People should mention me because I’m important and smart. Anyway, I got mentioned in this Daily Kos diary for the recent “emperor has no brain” column in Pajamas Media. Basically, the thesis of the diary is “Conservatives don’t like smirt people or da twoof, but we are smirt and like da twoof.” It’s a very dense and mindless characterization of conservatives so they can all have their two-minutes of hate against people who kick puppies and curse the sunshine just because. I mean, I use mindless invective, but as a joke. But look at this guy: He points out that conservatives made fun of Obama’s slogans of “hope” and “change” and says, “They never say what’s WRONG with the concepts of ‘hope’ or ‘change.'”

Yeah. That’s it, genius. We all thought Obama really was going to bring hope and change but we don’t like hope or change. Hope and change makes us stomp our feet and gnash our teeth!

THIS IS A RECOMMENDED KOS DIARY! People read actually this and go, “Me like. This guy smirt. Others should read and be smirt.” This is what goes for critical analysis on the Daily Kos.

And what was the point he took away from my column making fun of the concept of Obama being smart? That conservatives hate smart people. That we all think liberals are really really smirt and we don’t like being smirt.

And who does this guy hold up as a smart person?


How twisted does your thought process have to be to think pretentiousness = smart? The thing is, there is nothing more important to liberals than thinking they are smart. And they have it in their heads that what smart people do is nothing more than go around all day making sure everybody knows they’re smart. That’s why within the liberal community you have these extremely mediocre minds like Al Gore being hailed as brilliant.

How do you get this stupid? You have to work hard at it. You have to wake up everyday and carefully consider what you will listen to and what you will have to stare at with an expression of blank incomprehension to remain this dense. And then you need to go on the Daily Kos and write misconceptions about those who disagree with you politically while complaining about how everyone else lives in an echo chamber. We wish we had an echo chamber, but we are inundated with liberals moron ideas eveywhere — movies, TV, music, news broadcasts. Unlike liberals, we can actually deal with hearing other views. The views aren’t completely foreign to us because we were children and thought like that. But liberals freak out when they hear the other viewpoints because their tiny little minds can’t understand them so they come up with things like labeling everyone who went to a Tea Party as racists. Things simple minds can grab on to.

It’s almost scary to see people this willfully stupid and this angry, but I just remind myself these are all very useless people and impotent screaming is about all they’ll ever do. And expect the infant cries to increase. Some thought Obama winning would make the left less hateful, but all this did was give them the false idea that people actually liked their views and then just crushed their hopes. Obama was elected because people personally liked him and the economy was doing horribly; he was not elected because people actually like liberal policies as he is quickly finding out (and would have already know were he actually smart and not just pretentious).

America still thinks liberals are useless morons, and liberals are going to only become angrier as they come to that realization. And they are going to continue to be angry until everyone realizes how smart they are… which simply is not going to happen in this universe.

Random Thoughts

One of the head birthers is named “Orly“? Not to be a conspiracy theorist, but I have to see the birth certificate to believe that.

The Democrats still suck way too much to ever motivate the Republicans to be any good.

Tip to American Public: If you hate liberal policy ideas, stop voting for Democrats. It confuses them.

I bet Obama would be a lot more popular if he went back to saying positive slogans and not actually doing anything.

If the Grinch stole Kwanzaa, how many years would it be until someone noticed?

I don’t like my race being referred to as “white” or “Caucasian”. My preferred term is “pale face”.

Can’t wait until I turn 70 and retire and get to play videogames all day! Only forty more years!

A Few Issues to Think About in Regards to Obama’s Birth Certificate

New column up at Pajamas Media (two Frank J. columns in one week? It’s like super-Christmas!). So far reaction is not super-positive. That happens when you get near the truth.

Overheard on the Golf Course With Obama

In the last 10 weeks, Obama’s been golfing 10 times. During these times, there’s a press blackout, so no one can take pictures of him smoking (seriously, WHY are there no pictures of this man with a lit cigarette? If we can put a man on the moon, this should be a cakewalk). You just gotta wonder what gets said on the links.

I speculate thusly:

“Caddy? No, he’s my ‘Club Czar’.”

* “Can’t find the ball? Let Biden look for it. There’s no such thing as an ‘undisclosed location‘ when Joe’s around.”

* “FO!… Sorry, glare on the teleprompter… FORE!”

* “Keep that stroke off the scorecard and there’s a juicy bailout in it for you.”

* “Why wouldn’t I use the ladies’ tee? Ever seen me throw a baseball?”

* “What a slice! Don’t even bother looking for that ball, boys… they’ll find my birth certificate before you find that thing.”

* “Oops… I think I broke a window with that shot. Or was it a door?

* “Would you PLEASE tell Napolitano to stop refering to my score as a ‘man caused disaster‘?”

* “I just blew a 2-inch putt… now THAT was like the Special Olympics or something.”

* “Back nine? No way. That Brazilian chick’s back was a SOLID ten!”

* “My handicap? She’s out shopping for another $6000 handbag.”

Did YOU overhear anything?