An Idea

We create a number that people can call in case they see Obama near something important, like the economy, health care, or the military. Then someone can come and gently lead him away and give him some toys to play with or something. If we just make sure Obama doesn’t touch anything, maybe we can turn this country around.


  1. Why can’t we just storm the Capitol with guns and pitchforks, and impeach the whole dastardly lot? It’s not like he’s a legit Prez anyway, not being born in this country.

    THAT, mis amigos, is the only way out of this nightmare.

  2. actually, having him play with toys is a grand idea. See, if he breaks everything he touches, have him play with toys, all sorts of toys from different skill levels; legos to computers to cars. Since he will break all of them, they will have to get fixed and that would spur the repair industry and if they can’t be repaired, then new toys will have to be bought, thus spurring the toy industries. Brilliant suggestion. We should also give biden one of those play microphones so he can feel important and use it while he is standing in front of the mirror in the morning and say something since the prez won’t let him speak. Then he can give it to Obama who will break it.

  3. I hate to say it but I think it’s too late. Saving the country now is like to trying to save the Titanic after it hit the iceberg. Or the Hindenburg after it caught fire. The policies and spending of this administration are akin to working in a coal mine in China, you know disaster is just around the corner, in fact it’s inevitable….you just don’t know exactly when it’s going to happen, or how bad it’s going to be for you.

  4. Maybe we should make him wear a long billed ball cap all the time. At the end of the bill, facing Obama, we tape a postit note that says:



    Well, Terrell phasered himself (and the eel presuably) into oblivion. Checkov fainted and the eel slithered out on it own, IIRC.

  5. ^calibrated differently^, as in,”I could’ve calibated those words differently.”>>> When Frank equated the Big Bang, and his wife, as ‘incredibly hot and incredibly dense’, he could’ve calibrated those words differently.

  6. Wherever there is an Ivy League school, there is a racist city government with racist cops that need reformin’… I say that Obama spend the rest of his term 100% on this task…

  7. I have a hard time not saying “I told you so” or ” I voted for the economy guy” and the “old guy and the hockey mom”. I realize I shouldn’t want people to get what they deserve but hey I’m descended from Irish Catholics and my grandmother always told me that “God will always punish evil,” and of course we (meaning everyone on the planet) are pure, unadulterated evil.

    Hence the cynic I am today.

  8. Regarding above video^, “We have a real long standing tradition of keeping in appropriate advertising out of ‘Our Islands’.”>> “What’chu mean ‘Our Islands’, HAOLE!-signed King Kameha Mayhem>>> WAIWAI’OLE HAOLES OUT NOW!

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