Bumblin’ Barry

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Since “baseless speculation” is the new “objective journalism”, I think we, as a nation, need to come up with an explanation for why Barack Obama tripped while walking through a doorway in Italy.

“…and introducing the ‘How To Walk Through a Doorway’ players – On the right, ‘Mr. Yes’; on the left ‘Mr. No'”

* Judging by his policies, Barry’s been trippin’ since the campaign started. Why remark on it now?

* He was distracted by a sudden, terrifying vision of his teleprompter meeting an ignominious and untimely end.

* He couldn’t afford special orthopedic “tripless” shoes because SOMEBODY just pissed away the entire checking account on a $6000 purse.

* He spends all his time walking on water & hasn’t got his land-legs yet.

* For 20 glorious seconds, NOBODY was talking about the “butt-staring picture”. Totally worth it.

* We simply have to accept the fact that Obama wasn’t kidding about being like the Special Olympics.

* According to Pelosi, the CIA lied to him about the step’s existence.

* According to Biden, Obama simply “misread” how high the step was.

* Racism!

* Sarkozy pranked him into believing that stumbling over the threshold is a time-honored Italian custom (it’s actually Irish).

* He was just taking Rahm Emanuel’s advice: “any time you do ANYTHING as President, imagine how Ronald Reagan would do it, then do the exact opposite”.

* And finally, the REAL reason for the stumble:

Seems that Barry’s not just an ass-man, he’s also got a thing for fuzzy sweaters & schoolgirl skirts.


  1. Do you remember when Bush choked on a pretzel? Or when he crashed on a segway? Letterman’s still making jokes about it 6 years later.

    Yeah – unbiased media at work.

    PS. The ladin the pic looks like the lady who played Dolores Umbridge on Order of the Phoenix.

  2. Boy, the news is going to play that clip to death, and then Chevy Chase will come back to SNL to show what a clutz this president is. He’ll do a skit where he walks into a window, thinking it’s a door; then bangs his head on a helicopter, then trips while simply walking through a door; then throws a baseball like a girl, unable to even reach the plate. Boy, it’s going to be fun to watch…oh, that’s right, Obama is the Lord and Saviour, and we will not be shown those things, but instead be told that he is a master athlete and his wife is an incredible gardener. I forgot we were now a communist country with a lapdog media. My bad.

  3. Sarkozy pranked him into believing that stumbling over the threshold is a time-honored Italian custom (it’s actually Irish.)….While this statement is based on fact and is indeed an Irish custom, a most important part of the custom is to consume a half a bottle of Jameson’s Irish Whiskey prior to attempting your ‘threshold stumble’ or several pints of Guinness if no Jameson’s is readily available. Also part of the custom includes crashing to the floor in a heap while cursing wildly at everyone around you. This President may be a lot of things but he’s most assuredly NOT a true Irishman.

  4. Classless disgrace: Wait you guys, don leave wit d’oh!

    Sarcozy: heheheheh

    French body guard: Heeeeres ostupid!

    Nothing like the U.S. being out classed by a frenchman. Way to go idiot in charge!

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