Fred Thompson Interviews Byron York

The Fred Thompson Show (or the “Fred and Jeri Show” as it’s more popularly known) now is making neat YouTube clips available of its show. Why? Probably because I asked for it, and everyone knows you listen to Frank if you want what’s best for you.

Here’s Fred and Jeri’s interview of Byron York from today. I think Fred has a good point near the end about Obama and his poseur nature about street cred.


  1. If only The Fred could campaign well!

    We need a Thompson/Palin or Palin/Thompson ticket in 2012. Otherwise, we’ll end up with yet another pretend conservative self-serving opportunist like Newt, Romney, Huckabee…

  2. Byron was dead-on accurate about the effect of the “stimulus” bill. At the time, I was pissed that they would pass such a monster. Now, I’m rather glad they did. That nasty piece of work has become an albatross around Obama’s neck.

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