Get Some Perspective, People

White Sox Fan Obama: “Cominskey Field”

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Cominskey Field, Comiskey Park… who cares? Get off his back.

It’s not like the guy said “nucular”…


  1. And he’s a lifelong fan, I’m sure.

    Next up: “As I have been a Pittsburgh Steeler fan for as long I can remember, I am glad to be speaking here at beautiful Heiney Field!”

  2. So Obama, the guy who eats arugula (sp?) and has weekly $100-per-plate steak dinners, is opposed to the elitists that order white wine at the baseball game? Wouldn’t those folks be better known as Obama donors?

  3. Wasn’t asking simple questions like “Who won the world series and was it at Comiskey field?” how we used to smoke out communists in the 1950’s. I always thought the questions about his nationality were funny, but now the evidence is really starting to pile up. Either that or he’s a robot.

  4. As a born and bred south side chicagoan and REAL lifelong sox fan, this was truly insulting and, as an American, pretty disturbing. The fact is, Obama not only mispronounced the name of the venue, but he demonstrated a complete ignorance of the team’s history. The “old comiskey” didn’t have the vertigo-inducing nose-bleed upper-deck, as the
    President suggests. That’s the pre-renovation new cominskey (now officially named US Cellular Field, or “the Cell” as south siders have grudingly taken to calling it).

    Is this all a bit too nit-pickey? Maybe, but if the man doesn’t know the name or basic history of his alleged favorite baseball team’s home, then how is he going to grasp the finer details and history necessary to comprehend bigger issues, like free markets versus Euro-socialism, or the Middle East for that matter?

  5. I agree to a point.

    The real meat of our unpaid job is to attack the flaws in his policies (dissension is patriotic remember). Mocking his minor flub-ups, while admittedly petty, is just the gravy.

    Karma is indeed a stern taskmaster now that it’s our turn to give the Kenyan-In-Chief a taste of what the moonbats did/are doing to Dubya, Cheney, and Sarah Palin.

    Plus, it’s kinda fun. 😉

  6. “Buy me some foie gras and chardonnay….”

    I hate Cominsksey Field[sic]! You have to get toast points from one guy and caviar from another, and just forget about putting together a good arugala salad! Cheap Merlot in paper cups spoils the whole experience.

    Watch out ‘O’, them dogs ain’t exactly kosher!

  7. Being a White Sox “fan” was just another fable to make the candidate appear like “everyday folk;” it worked, as witness all the adoring and hysterically crying mobs.

    As a north-sider who witnesses the fallout from Wrigley, it sure doesn’t look like the fans have been chuggin’ much on WINE when they’re staggering down the street to play after-game cornhole on the sidewalk.

  8. Many pundits have warned that o intends to turn America into a European-Style Socialist state.
    But how do we know he’ll stop there?
    What about Stalinist-Russia-Animal Farm-Style Socialism, Nazi-Germany-Work Will Make You Free-Style Socialism, Mao Tse Tung-Cultural Revolution-Chinese-Style Socialism, or Pol Pot-Killing Fields-Cambodian-Style Socialism?
    Maybe Sky-Net Terminator-Style Socialism?
    Will we look back someday and sigh nostalgicly for the Good Old Days of European-Style,
    “At least Il Duce made the trains run on time” Socialism?

    (I bet Mussolini could have gotten the pitch across the plate.)

  9. Speaking of which, I briefly browsed YouTube for some Bush throws. Most were crappy phone videos that blew the money shot. Of the two where I could see both the throw and the catch, both made it across the plate, but in one he stood at the front of the mound instead of on top.

  10. Anyone ever notice that when asked a question, The Obamessiah always says “Listen.” before replying. Almost in a tone that says, “shut up. I am god.” I know that is reaching, but just sayin’.

  11. I think the thing that ticks me off the most is the MSM headlining the interview with “Obama’s beloved Chicago White Sox”. Beloved? You’ve got to be kidding.

    I swear, if they refer to the Steelers as “President Obama’s beloved Pittsburgh Steelers”, I am going to throw a football through my television.

    Dan Rooney will someday pay for endorsing that sack of crap. I wish Rush would stop joking around and buy the Steelers. The explosion of lefty heads would be a thing of beauty.

  12. The bottom line is: Obama is a joke, pretending that he knows anything about his supposed “favorite” team or the venue they play in…it’s not like he actually ever went there, even though he is pretending he did.

    This is much like that old washed up politician that claimed that he hung out with his constituents at a little diner down town, even though that diner had been closed for 12 years. It was the same guy that claimed he went to Home Depot all the time, despite the fact that the folks that work in Home Depot said he’d never been seen there. Whatever happened to that idiot?

  13. As your czar, I mean god, I mean president, I am a big fan of baseball. I am proud when my team, the White Socks, gets a touchdown against the Lakers. Our pitcher, Joe Montana, can sure throw a mean curve ball into the basket.

    I’ll bet Michelle can get one over the plate. Just look at those arms.

  14. Hey, give the guy a break. It’s the metrosexual way of pronouncing it. Let’s face it. He has Dan Quayle’d many a statement. But, alas, if a lib flubbs, and the media won’t report it, did it even happen?

  15. According to How to Speak Chicago-ese, from 2003, “Kaminski” is used to pronounce “Comiskey” in the Chicago area. So Obama was not showing ignorance, but rather speaking Chicago-ese. This does not discount his calling it a Field, a mistake I doubt that 10% of middle-aged males OUTSIDE of the Chicago area would make. O has no interest in sports, and feigns such interest to advance his political career. Gaffes such as “field” are a result of feigning interest in sports.Nor is he the only politician like that. Recall Kerry talking in 2004 about “Lambert Field” in Green Bay?

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