Is the Flag Still There?

Researchers hope to soon check if the American flag is still at the original landing site on the moon. It will be quite disturbing if isn’t. Since we know no humans have been to the moon since the Apollo missions, that means the only people who could have stolen the flag are moon men. And we’ll have to hunt them down and kill them out of principle. And that means war with the moon men. So be prepared for that.


  1. Are homeless, begging Moon men hanging out under the descent stages of the Lunar Modules?
    Are the Lunar Rovers on concrete blocks and stripped?

    NASA needs to know so they can pick safer neighborhoods to land in next time.

  2. Terry_Jim – I did not even consider it, but you make a lot of sense and I would like to subscribe to your newsletter. Serves those bastards right for knowing the truth all this time and not telling anybody. That, and their crazy liberal ideas.

  3. Strategic targets on Earth are being destroyed by an unknown weapon. Government security head Henderson suspects it’s an “atomic ray” originating from the moon! He assigns Commando Cody, scientist and man of action with a secret flying suit, to investigate. Soon, Cody is battling Earth thugs in the pay of Krog the moon man and making trips in his experimental rocket to the moon itself, in a perilous and all but singlehanded effort to thwart the planned invasion of Earth. Kind of all sounds like a bad movie, ya think?

  4. Since we know no humans have been to the moon since the Apollo missions, that means the only people who could have stolen the flag are moon men. And we’ll have to hunt them down and kill them out of principle. And that means war with the moon men. So be prepared for that.

    Who’s going to declare war on the Moon Man? Certainly not that classless disgrace that occupies the White House. He’ll bow before them, shake the hands or claws or whatever Moon Men have, and then give them hugs. Then he’ll apologize for America’s arrogance for landing on the moon and surrender to them.

  5. I would say shoot the moon, but Barney Frank and co. would ruin it all. They would be a$$tronaut$.

    Congresswoman Sheila Jackson Lee has the true answer. She said on the floor of the House that she watched men walk on Mars. THAT’S where the flag is. Wrong astral body., that moon.

  6. I believe the correct term would be “moon persons“! or in the case of Nancy Pelosi and that other one from CA, Senator Moon Person.
    When the inevitable illegal alien alien invasion happens, they will become Moon Person Americans and will of course be entitled
    to reparations since we stole their land and made them all lazy alcoholics.

  7. I suspect Gov. Moonbeam, Jerry Brown. He’s always hated the American flag.>>> Then again, the Luna Moths could have eaten it if the astronauts didn’t leave any mothballs behind too.>>>Moon Persons are just fun-loving creatures. Their favorite game is ‘Capture The Flag’.

  8. So, do you think we can put dinosaurs with rocket launchers in space? Can we find space suits big enough for them? How about we send the messiah and his chief disciple at the front of the invading dinosaur army.

    This plan has merit I think.

  9. Moon Men are easy targets. Wait for them to hang their butts out the window and fire! The war won’t last long but there will be some earth people traumatized by the conflict. We will need serious counseling for those unable to deal with such inappropriate behavior! Female teachers of the Political Correct nature will be the hardest hit. They will need to understand such brutish moon manishness and will want to know how the moonman children are being raised (where is the ritalan?)

  10. Hey, Marko! I don’t get to read here very much out here. But when I do, I just enter a persistent vegetative chuckling state. This place is cracked-up when viewed remotely… and seldom.

  11. Maybe we’re looking at this wrong. Perhaps the moon men have taken down the flag because they didn’t like being colonized. Maybe they’re waiting for us to come back so they can enter our spaceship and throw our Tang overboard.

  12. I’m sure President Nipplehead would get excited about the space program if he could send someone to the moon to remove the American flag. Wouldn’t want to offend his commie and muslim pals back on Earth by leaving it there.

  13. In 1998 the North Koreans collaborated with the Chinese to shoot a missile at the flag we left on the moon. Sadly it was destroyed in a fiery explosion on April 3rd 1998. Clinton knew about it but covered it up.

  14. JImmy…dude…don’t give in! Tell us where you are and we will come get you! Once they finish with the long electric stick (cattle prod) up your rectum, they usually move to your nads… Don’t let them break you! They won’t stop until you believe in Gobal Warming, worship The One and agree to experiment with hitting from the other side of the plate…

  15. I wouldn’t worry about war with the Moon people, TOTUS is writing a good speech full of apologies for those darn kids for driving their ATVs across their lawn and leaving their stuff just lying around.

  16. Hey man, We got there First. The moon men didn’t have their own flag up, so the Moon is the USA’s. Now to get a permanent moon base with a High Wattage Chemical Laser. Let the CIA do it so hObama can’t kibosh it. Then we’ll fry the commie buggers. WH first.

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