
Maybe with all that’s going on, it’s time to become isolationists. Instead of engaging with the crazy world, we just bunker down in America and launch missiles at everything we think we see moving. Then people will leave us alone and stop moving, and we’ll be safe.

It’s the Ron Paul plan and it’s worth considering.


  1. We could stop being the big brother to the world and instead be like the nosy neighbor to the world. We would peek through the blinds at them, show up unannounced with pies so we can snoop around their houses and check the medicine cabinets while we’re “using the bathroom”

    Would we have to change our name too?

  2. Come on! There are plenty of non-zombie, pro-dinosaurs with lasers conservatives left in New Jersey! Okay, maybe not plenty, but some. Okay, a few. Okay, maybe just me and my girlfriend.

    Wait….did you hear something at the front door?



    *squishy brain eating noises*


  3. I thought the Ron Paul Plan involved flooding the world with comment spam and making us laugh at them until we died of internal injuries. I also remember that there was something from his campaign about the gold standard. Or silver. Or platinum. It was definitely a precious metal. I don’t remember so well because of the internal injuries.

    Anyway, I support the new Frank JR Paul plan. My favorite slogan in video games is, “If it moves, kill it. If it doesn’t move, it’s target practice”.

  4. It is fun having the Ron Paul folks around. Their like our version of the Kos Kids.

    When we make fun of the Kos Kids, they scream, yell, spit, convulse, and then go away. The Ronulans, we see all that, plus we get to watch them during the 5 minutes a day they don’t seem like raving lunatics. Gives us a fresh perspective on the mentally unstable.

  5. This plays well with the original Nuke the Moon strategy (which is in essence the Fonz Principle). You’ll only have to do it a couple of times at most. But for liability purposes, don’t forget the signs:

    NO trespassing!
    Violators will be shot.
    Survivors will be shot again.

  6. I don’t want to become isolationist while New Jersey is still part of the Union. That would be like in the movies where they barricade all the doors and windows but one of the zombies is actually inside the house.

    Or California, which is like the dumb valley girl who lets in the zombies just because the smart zombie leader can knock and speak coherent English.

    Come to think of it I don’t know any examples of a film where that happens.

  7. we just bunker down in America and launch missiles at everything we think we see moving.

    Can we strap the commie, moonbat, hippie, environazi, socialist, liberals to the missiles before we launch them?

  8. Basil: “plus we get to watch them during the 5 minutes a day they don’t seem like raving lunatics. Gives us a fresh perspective on the mentally unstable.”

    I resent the implication that they bear any resemblance to me whatsoever. It’s not my fault straight jackets only come in standard clorox white.

  9. We need a plan from you, Frank to come up with a newer looking nation first! I think it involves dusting off a few dozen of our rusty nukes and launching them at the fault in CA and at strategic points from NY to FL. Not meant to kill anyone…plenty of notice to round everyone up…we are just going to “disconnect” the current east coast and west coasts from the New America!

  10. FrankJ:

    Sounds good FrankJ. How about you isolate yourself first. Build a bunker and move in. We will leave you all alone, while we will all then work on isolating ourselves.

    Don’t worry, we promise will let you know if anything happens outside of your little cocoon that you need to worry about. Like the imposition of sharia law in the U.S. Or a new Chuck Norris movie.


    Monkey Faced Liberal

  11. Isolationism worked sooooooo well before the 1st and 2nd World Wars, right. Kept us out of war, kept us from being attacked, kept us safe? Unless someone comes up with a workable Star Wars Shield (and I am all for it) we are going to be the new dweb on the block and all the bullies are going to take turns beating us up, thanks to O’bama the Wonder-Chicken.

    Get used to it. The only good thing is that they WILL beat up the Libs first. They are the weakest link.

  12. The USA could survive longer without the rest of the world than the rest of the world could survive without the USA.

    Let’s start by taking a three-day-weekend from the rest of the world.
    No trade, no business, no meetings, no returned phonecalls for 3 days.
    The world would freak out and beg us never to do that again!

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