It’s Like a Disease With This Guy

Another Obama booty-check?

Yeah, I’d hit that…

Mr. President, the first step is admitting you have a problem…


  1. O-bah-muhh nominated Bailey, ‘The Nazi’ from Grey’s Anatomy as Surgeon General.>>> I think I saw her in a previous IMAO post titled,’ I cannot be held accountable for where my mind goes’.

  2. Is any one else troubled by the fact that her chief qualification is that her family members died of preventable diseases? It’s like saying that Charlie Rangle should be head of ways and means because he couldn’t figure out how to pay his taxes….. Oh wait.

  3. > McCain08 says:
    > July 14th, 2009 at 8:12 pm
    > … it seem a bit racist that you are all calling a black woman ugly

    I agree wholeheartedly. Everyone at IMAO — commenters included — should be ashamed for the way they’ve viciously attacked the looks of the following Black women: Nancy Pelosi, Helen Thomas, Rosie O’Donnell…

  4. Pingback: IMAO » Blog Archive » Comment of the Day

  5. I mean no insult to any of them, but I can’t help but notice that Democrats love to appoint ugly women to high positions. There must be some demographic somewhere that points to the fact that liberals support seriously ugly people. I don’t pretend to know, but maybe it’s like that deal where if you are ugly, you want Fugliness to point to and say, well, at least I’m better looking than that, and that chit gets you through anohter day or something.

    Who knows, but the Dems got a talent for it.

  6. Well, the truth is that pretty women achieve power by using their looks to marry a powerful man. Ugly women have to use politics.

    I have no explanation for Sarah Palin. She could’ve ridden the coattails of any man she wanted, but she chose to make her own way. Very unusual, that.

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