Job security

Every time a group of crazies doesn’t like the president, or something the president does, they call for his impeachment.

This is true for as long as I can remember. Well, almost.

I don’t remember Eisenhower (president when I was born) or much about Kennedy. And I don’t recall any “Impeach Johnson” movement. But, there was an “Impeach Nixon” movement. It went so far as to go to committee in the House of Representatives.

Some crazies called for the impeachment of Gerald Ford, following the Nixon pardon, but it was just crazy talk. Some crazy talk about Carter (particularly following the botched Iran hostage rescue attempt). Then, the crazies kicked it up when Reagan took office. Same with Bush the Elder.

Of course, Clinton was impeached, but acquitted.

And how can we forget the Impeach Bush movement. There are still some wanting him impeached. Told you they were nuts.

Now, there’s an Impeach Obama movement. Google it; you’ll get 2,210,000 results. At Bing, not as many, but still 217,000 results.

Let me state right now, in case you somehow missed it over the last several months, I think that Barack Obama is an incompetent oaf. He’s not qualified to work the cash register at Hardee’s, much less occupy the Oval Office. But impeach him?

Consider what would happen.

On the upside, we’d be rid of him. That’s a pretty big upside.

The downside? Who’s next in line? That’s right, Joe Biden. For crying out loud, no rational person would want him in the White House.

So, could they both be removed from office at one time?

Look what happens then: the Speaker of the House assumes the presidency. That’s Nancy Pelosi! Again, no rational person would want that.

Who’s next? The President pro tempore of the Senate, Robert Byrd.

Okay, it’s a mass impeachment then. It removes the president, vice-president, Speaker of the House, and the President pro tempore of the Senate. Who assumes the presidency then? The Secretary of State, Hillary Clinton.

Next? Secretary of the Treasury, Timothy Geithner.


  • Secretary of Defense: Robert Gates
  • Attorney General: Eric Holder
  • Secretary of the Interior: Ken Salazar
  • Secretary of Agriculture: Tom Vilsack
  • Secretary of Commerce: Gary Locke
  • Secretary of Labor: Hilda Solis
  • Secretary of Health and Human Services: Kathleen Sebelius
  • Secretary of Housing and Urban Development: Shaun Donovan
  • Secretary of Transportation: Ray LaHood
  • Secretary of Energy: Steven Chu
  • Secretary of Education: Arne Duncan
  • Secretary of Veterans Affairs: Eric Shinseki
  • Secretary of Homeland Security: Janet Napolitano

See what I mean? Remove one, another takes over. Okay, maybe Gates isn’t that bad. But the only other Republican, LaHood, ain’t no prize.

What then?

Nothing. We’re screwed.

Until the 2012 election.

Unless we screw around like we did in 2008 and get our asses handed to us. Think about that next time you decide to bad-mouth a conservative.

Except for Ron Paul. You can bad-mouth him. He’s nuts. And so are his supporters.


  1. Wasn’t this whole scenario laid out before in a National Lampoon LP? I think it was, can’t remember the LP, but I heard it. Lemmings?

    Look, let’s just go Honduras on their asses. Military takeover. The worst that could happen, a kegger would break out.

    [Well, the whole Honduran thing was within their constitution. The legislative and judicial authorized the military to remove the executive. Wouldn’t work here, since the military answers to the executive (though Congress declares war), a military takeover would be outside the Constitution.

    I don’t recall a National Lampoon scenario like this. I will research though. I imagine it’s awesome. – B]

  2. How dare you talk about impeachment of Obama. Racist!

    I think we should impeach FrankJ. He is always talking about monkeys. Monkey this, monkey that. Always monkeys. Monkeys here, monkeys over there. Monkeys, monkeys, monkeys everywhere. Clearly he is off his rocker and not fit for command.

    [Without Frank J leading the charge, monkeys … including the monkeys that use the mind-controlled robots … would take over. – B]

  3. If you add up all the shenanigans Obama has already committed, I think some reasonable people would agree that you have a case for an impeachment. But that list is going to have to be a whole lot longer to get through Congress, even if we win a majority in 2010. The chances are reasonably good that by the end of 2010 Obama will have done what it takes to more clearly justify impeachment. Furthermore, every new act of Obama is leading a lot of people to think that Jar-Jar Biden couldn’t possibly be any worse.

    For one thing, I think Joe Biden would listen to his advisors and not arrogantly think he has an electoral mandate to do whatever the hell he wants. In all other respects he will be an embarrassment to the country, but ultimately something we’ll be able to get over with a lot less headache than Obama.

    So, if we can’t pin enough on Biden to justify throwing him out too, it’s not the end of the world. We’ll endure, especially if we get Congress.

    I don’t think it’s necessarily crazy for there to be an impeachment movement for every President. The vast majority of them have been full of crazies, to be sure. But I find it somewhat comforting that someone out there is drawing up a list, that, even if it’s someone in Crazytown, someone is putting some effort into finding an excuse to throw the President out. In some small measure, it makes the office more accountable to the people.

    [If conservatives get Congress — either house — in 2010, they can stop Obama. Heck, there are almost enough Democrats with brains currently holding office to slow him down.

    Don’t misunderstand me: I would not mind seeing Obama thrown out on his ear. I want the Democrats to do it. That would be them admitting he’s what we on the right always said he was. – B]

  4. It’s time for Plan B.

    (Plan C involves regrouping in Texas, but I know some of us (not me, I have relatives there) find Texans somewhat chafing.)


    With the help of the Navy and Marines at Gitmo, we’ll take the island and run a new republic until we can take back the U.S.!

    We’ll also drill for oil. ‘Cause who doesn’t love oil?

  5. [That won’t happen if one conservative’s supporters bash other conservatives. – B]

    We should all agree on a simple platform.

    * Follow the Constitution
    * Protect the borders
    * Stop spending money like we’re drunken sailors
    * Neutralize the terrorists and the “bad” foreigners
    * Punch the hippies

  6. Picky point – with regard to Slick Willie, one should always use the phrase “impeached but not removed from office” instead of “impeached, but acquitted.” Acquitted makes it sound like the Senate didn’t think he did anything wrong (not the case – more than half voted to remove him). The “guilty” vote just didn’t reach the “removal from office” level of 2/3. You’re right about all the rest, though…Crazy Joe is the best insurance policy any President ever came up with. It’s just too bad Obama isn’t as competent at anything else as he was at choosing a Veep who’d make the Prez look as good as possible by comparison…

    [It’s not “convicted but not removed,” it’s convicted or acquitted. Conviction required 2/3 vote. Even though a majority voted to convict (on most charges, anyway), since the vote was less than 2/3, it is an acquittal: Article I, Section 3 “When the President of the United States is tried, the Chief Justice shall preside: And no person shall be convicted without the concurrence of two thirds of the members present.” – B]

  7. There was an issue of the Nat-Lamp that had a comic strip that covers this situation. I do not recall the issue or the year it was printed (obviously between 1977 and 1981) but it was a parody of Cecil Andrus plotting to move up the ladder to the Presidency when he was Secretary of the Interior. I do not recall it being done in Lemmings but I must admit it has been years since I have listened to Lemmings.

  8. Now I’m as against impeaching him as anybody and I’ve been a member in good standing in the VRWC since, well, since before its inception, but…..

    Hillary is the only person on that list who I think wouldn’t be a total disaster for America and the world.
    That about depressing.

    On the plus side, imagine Joe Biden as POTUS.

    And you thought this end of civilization couldn’t get any funnier.

  9. Now just hold on there. I think if you keep drilling down the chain of command, you eventually find Wink Martindale. That wouldn’t be so bad, would it?

    [He would be an improvement. And I understand the sentiment. I was hoping that Bill Cullen could have replaced LBJ, but it was a pipe dream. – B]

  10. So Basil why do you think the “smartest man ever” appointed the yahoos he did? Most communities wouldn’t hire these people to pick up dog doo doo. It’s called “Job Security”.

    [Why do I think he made the appointments he did? What’s the title of the post? – B]

    Our only hope is to prove “the one” was not born a US Citizen. The election would be invalid and we’d have to have a do over. Right about now I think we’d get the White House both Houses of Congress and the Penn Ave. BurgerKing as well.

    [Actually, the election is valid. If Obama was found ineligible for office, Biden would have been properly elected, and move up. There would be the whole thing about Executive Orders, and bills he signed, but SCOTUS would probably rule them valid, if Biden re-issued and re-signed. – B]

  11. So . . . what is the line of succession at IMAO?

    1. SarahK
    2. FrankJ
    3. Rocket launching dinosaur
    4. The moon (pre-nuke)
    5. Angry monkey with mind control thing attached to his head
    6. Basil
    7. Harvey
    8. Evil Scary eyeball eating poo flinging monkey
    9. Bambi killing grandma
    10.Cadet (Un)Happy
    11.MarkoMancuso (Shun!!!)
    12.Zombie Helen Thomas

    You’re right. Let’s hope nothing ever happens to SarahK. Things could get ugly.

  12. With regards to the Cuban plan, we will continue to speak English and insisting on it being the only language allowed to be spoken after we conquer the island? I mean it would be crazy if we didn’t.

  13. Impeachment is definitely not and option. The lefty wacko bench is deeper than the ’27 Yankees batting order. Talk about a murderer’s row!

    I don’t remember a bit like this on the Lemmings album. The Woodchuck Festival was dedicated to “Peace, Love, and Death”. Most memorable parody song: Joan Baez rendition of “Pull that Trigger N—–“.

  14. Well it was either Lemmings or A Childs’ Garden Of Grass (not an NL production). Definitely not a Cheech & Chong album. But it was on an album and they were winding their way from Nixon (naturally) down through the administration and I think they were introducing the head of Agriculture.
    “People! We are running out of food! So remember…..the man sitting next to you…….is your dinner!”
    Actually Godley & Cremes’ triple LP “Consequences” had an excellent parody of Woodstock via their song “The Flood”.

  15. 2010, hopefully, the people of the United States will turn out the House Democrats as a Majority. Then it will be up to the Republicans to repudiate O-bah-muhh’s Agenda. Republicans would have 2 years to show they’ve got testicular fortitude(or ovarian tenacity), or the country is DOOMED.

  16. The thing about impeachment is the process. While it was going on the government would have a hard time driving us deeper into socialism and destruction of our economy and sovereignty. So keep impeaching whoever is in place until the government is completely shut down and nothing gets done. The reason the economy did so well during Clinton was the republicans in congress essentially shut down the process of passing new government controls while fighting the Clinton Communist machine.

  17. Yeah, I would think that if the top of their ticket is found to be a non-citizen and therefore ineligible to hold to the office of POTUS, that their whole administration is ineligible by default and gets thrown out.

    So what we need to do is keep Obama so busy with FOIA requests for the birth certificate that he doesn’t have time to do anything else. What was good for Palin is good for Obama after all.

    Other than that, especially with ACORN’s election fraud in 2010 and 2012 that YOU KNOW they’re going to do again, we’re looking at armed Civil War v.2.0 in order to get the commie b*st*rds out of DC.

  18. Impeachment is not an option personally I want Obama to keep doing exactly what he is doing so that mentally retarded moderates and flat out wacko liberals get to enjoy the next 3 years every bit of it.

    With enough pain you only need 11% converts to ultra conservatism and who knows?

    You might just get a Prez and Congress that would support dinosaurs with rocket launchers and maybe giant robots with dinosaur brains and then you could have a Deathmatch (in Tokoyo of course)

    No offense to the Japanese I like ’em but it’s sorta tradition.

  19. Nope – we don’t have to wait until 2012. We only have to wait until 2010 and Pelosi will no longer Speaker. We can elect Darth Cheney back to the House, he’ll be the new Speaker, and, with a couple of his assassination squad members on each side, he can simply declare that Obambi and Biden should abdicate if they know what’s good for them. They’ll both be seen running away and wishing they had worn their brown pants within 30 seconds of his being sworn in. We can then round the rest of the liberals up and herd them into camps at our leisure.

  20. I have thought about the impeachment/succession issue as well. There are no good alternatives to Obama in the line of succession. However, I have come up with a workable solution. We impeach Obama. Biden becomes president. Now, at this point, he needs to appoint a new VP. Through some deft political manuvering, Joe is forced to appoint Sarah Palin. I mean, what’s she doing now anyway? Through the same manuvering, she is approved by the Senate. Then we impeach Biden! Problem solved.

  21. If we don’t want to get screwed again in 2012 we need to start NOW on closing Republican primaries around the country. Think about it folks. In ’12 His Royal Highness will be running unopposed so what are all those Dems going to do during primary season? Yup, ensure we nominate a loser.

  22. Really Basil, if O’vomits cast aside we still have to keep Biden? If the elections invalid and they both committed fraud why wouldn’t there be a do over. Seriously, the country didn’t vote on Biden he just came with “the one”, sort of like dehydration comes with diarrhea.

    I really like that analogy, Biden is to O’vomit as diarrhea is to dehydration. Should be on the SAT/ACT , they like questions like that.

    [Remember, you and I didn’t vote for anyone for president. We cast ballots for electors. The electors voted for president in December. They cast one vote for president, and one vote for vice-president. If Obama would be declared ineligible for the presidency, it wouldn’t impact the votes for Biden.

    The real question is, would Obama’s disqualification mean that the House of Representatives would select a president from the top three eligible persons that received votes, as laid out in the Constitution? If so, then they choose from McCain and …. well, McCain. If that happens, Biden will be considered Acting President from January 20 until McCain takes office. Then, Biden returns as vice-president.

    Just a thought exercise. But we all need more exercise. – B]

  23. Do you have a problem w/nuts??? Ron Paul is alright…he belives in guns, gold, and God….sounds ok to me….”You don’t have to be [nuts], but it certainly helps!”

    [Obama believes in guns, gold, and God, too. Of course, he believes guns should be confiscated, gold should go to his mobbed-up friends, and that he is God.

    Ron Paul, of course, has his good points. Then, again, Mussolini made the trains run on time. – B]

  24. Sorry about the delay in responding…Not to beat the proverbial dead horse, Basil, but while I’d be happy with either “impeached but not removed” or “impeached but not convicted,” I persist in my assertion that no “acquittal” was involved. No positive attribute attaches to a failure to convict following an impeachment – for example, theoretically, the House could keep repeatedly impeaching until the Senate got tired of saying, “No” (at least, most con-law types seem to think so – certainly it’s never been tried, and would probably be politically ill-advised, to say the least). Certainly the language in the Constitution only references “conviction” and “removal from office,” not “acquittal.”

  25. Pingback: Impeachment Is So 2009 – IMAO

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